
Well-Known Member
Not as stupid as it sounds. I've got a Defender 90 with a Safety Devices half cage with the internal cage behind the bulkhead. I bought some new seats and the don't recline as far back as they could, I am rather large so every inch of space gained is worth the work!

So can I remove some of the top box section part of the bulkhead to accommodate the seats better without weakening the structure?

Heres a pic of the rear showing the cage (old pic seats are not LR) the red shows roughly want I want to remove.

I know you can get the bulkhead removal bars but I want to keep most of it in place as I use it for storage of various items.
Yes google Bulkhead removal bar IIRC Mudstuff do one. Also Trewy on here has fitted one to his. quite a common mod

actually just seen you don't want full bulkhead removal so just make your own bar to suit the cut you want to do.
Making my own bar may not work as I want to remove that top box section peice so the seat almost rests on flat part of the bulkhead
Is the safety cage attached to the vehicle sides closeto the bulkhead? Can't see from photos. If not I would say no you can't unless you make strong brackets to attach it.
The roll cage looks like it's got a substantial bar across the vehicle behind the BH so that could replace the top section you remove as long as you attach it to the vehicle sides.IMO
Honestly Im not sure. There are mounting points there which to bolt into the side of the body near the bulk head.


Thats how mine looks where my photo cuts off.
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Yeah did want to avoid buying anything if i could. Hence asking if I can take some of it out with doing any structural damage.

Wouldnt the rollcage provide the support needed for the landy anyway?
Like I said above, why can't you attach the sides to the roll cage bar if you say there are holes and brackets on the cage nearby. I wouldn't drill or cut the cage bars as that may reduce its strength, but making brackets to clamp to the cage and bolted to the body sides seems a sensible mod.
The bulkhead at that point is essentially there to stop the sides of the tub (where the door strikers are) from folding inwards, as long as your cage is attached to the sides the job is done. It looks like yours is attached already, I'd just cut away what you want and put some push on trim over any sheet edges.
Thanks dude, well explain clear and concise :)

I had a proper look at the cage and there are mounting points for the tub which i shall bolt in place.

Thanks chaps.

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