so rear uv on rear prop is shagged. is moving around in yoke and i can pull is about few milimetres each way. so, is this an overhaul job or new prop?thanks guys
overhaul jobby - quit easy - i reckon yu cud take it orf and get it done today at a jobbing shop. Is the UJ held in place with circlips?

if so - circlip pliers + appropriate socket to push the cup thro and a G cramp to use as a press. I dun it at the roadside before now, but not on one of these beasts tho.
His is an earlier version of mine I think... J plate 200 Tdi isn't it? Mines got circlips on the bearing cups so his should have too.

Only problem might be if the spider is shagged and the local landy stealer hasn't got one in stock.
its Saturday Adz - wudnt this be an EAS/Halfrauds jobby - a UJ aint very suffistacatoed is it.

by the way - yu bugger;)!
Might be - I'd be surprised if Halfrauds had the right bits, but then they've surprised me in the past (not least by the extortionate rate they charge for their gear oil - try £9 a litre for their own brand GL5 stuff!)
I've just discovered my front one is knackered. I was giving everything a greasing before Kirton tommorrow and realised there was a bit to much slogger in it. Any how it's a first, I've bust it before I even get there.

So they're £6.50 for a Hardy Spicer one from Paddocks or £4.50 for a un-named one. Part numbers RTC 3346HS and RTC 3346 respectively. Cant find anywhere local to me that does them in the way of Automotive shops. So it's either send off for them or ring Stratstones on Monday.

Any how they're easy enough to get apart if you've got a vice a hammer and various drifts. And probably easier to put back together!
I've just doen all the UJ's on mine and it's not that nasty in terms of landy jobs. Make sure you get Hardy spicer UJ's not the all makes type (these are made of toffee) The hardest part is getting the old circlips out wothout braking them. and remeber 110 uj's arnt the same as 90's ;)
Looks like you get new circlips with the UJs if you look at the picture on paddocks website. Don't s'pose you know if Disco one are the same do you there a different part number so I'm guessing they are.
getting the cups in and out is the main problem. no vice, club or cramps. i got tools for everything else with me. i'm gona limp back to swansea 2moro and get it sorted there as i go to a technical college so i can just get ion workshop there before i got back to london. may just go with new prop, but i'll wait and see how bad it all is, splines etc
Getting the first cup out was hardest but with a small punch some penetrating oil and a bit of heat it came eventually. A G clamp could be used to put the new ones in if you haven't got a vice.

I'd put the nuts back on the bolts on the hand brake end to stop the bolts from flapping about in the breeze, and possibly doing something unnessescary in the brake drum.
Looks like you get new circlips with the UJs if you look at the picture on paddocks website. Don't s'pose you know if Disco one are the same do you there a different part number so I'm guessing they are.

yeah the circlips come wioth the new ones, but they can snap, leaving half the cip in the groove. I'll check te parts numbers ofr you. dod you have a 110 or a 90, what's the year?
sorry guys, been messing all day... right, the 90 should be using RTC3346.

the 110 should have RTC4587.

the way to tell the diffrence is to measure on accorss from cup to cup. the 90's are bigger at 81.7mm while the 110 ones are only 74.5. One bloke I was talking to had a 90 front prop on his 110 just to add some confusion ;)

good luck

got back to swansea ok, no real issues but i only have metric spanners with me so went out to buy a couple but places only sold them in sets or places were closed!
Had a go with my Difflock super propshaft nut socket thing, It's a load of ****e! You're better off with two 9/16" combination spanners and a 3/8" drive 9/16" socket with a wobbly extension.

It probably cheaper to buy two sets of spanners from Machine Mart than two spanners from a tool specialist, Unless you can get discount.
i borrowed one off a friend but ring wudnt fit on anyways, even if i turned prop. gona go to the workshop here 2moro and swipe some!

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