
My partner and I bought a defender 90, with an Isuzu Conversion kit in her for just over six thousand pounds and my partner was talking about her to a random stranger on-line yesterday. Who thinks he may have paid too much and been done over on her, subsequently my other half has not lost his passion with her and is talking about selling her much to my distress. Can anyone clarify whether he has over paid or whether the random is talking crap?
many thanks
My partner and I bought a defender 90, with an Isuzu Conversion kit in her for just over six thousand pounds and my partner was talking about her to a random stranger on-line yesterday. Who thinks he may have paid too much and been done over on her, subsequently my other half has not lost his passion with her and is talking about selling her much to my distress. Can anyone clarify whether he has over paid or whether the random is talking crap?
many thanks
Who cares you paid it don't worry..

You would need to provide more detail... Its easy to say "yes you have" or "no you haven't" but without knowing a lot more about it its guess work. A lot of vehicles are worth extra money. If its less than 15 years old I wouldn't be considerably alarmed.

Sure you may have got one for 4k and had to spend 2k fixing it up.

Trust me the initial purchase is a drop in the ocean, so be happy with it.... Many of us get stung at the start.... it happens...
She almost perfect on the outside recently had a respray, but inside she needs a little work with new seals and door cards and dash.
My partner and I bought a defender 90, with an Isuzu Conversion kit in her for just over six thousand pounds and my partner was talking about her to a random stranger on-line yesterday. Who thinks he may have paid too much and been done over on her, subsequently my other half has not lost his passion with her and is talking about selling her much to my distress. Can anyone clarify whether he has over paid or whether the random is talking crap?
many thanks
In these situations, you are better not to know. It will only frustrate you and there probably isn't a lot you can do. Did you buy via a dealer?

Maybe you have overpaid, or maybe it's in really good nick with a lot of good parts - the thing with LR's is that they are often worth a lot more to the person who did the work. If I put a price tag on mine I would probably be laughed at by many people, but if I then listed on a forum like this what it had and what it cost in parts they would all soon agree that actually what I was asking was fair.

So maybe your LR has been built up of over 6000 pounds worth of parts, the annoying bit is where labour has been paid for, yes that is a cost, and yes the previous owner may want to recoup some of the cost, however someone could end up paying a LOT of money for something like a chassis replacement which although that then has a price tag of chassis + labour, it would be the situation that without the chassis their vehicle was probably worthless or worth much much less. They then want to sell on a LR with a new chassis, but it might have a rotten engine and gearbox and shot axles, is that land rover really worth the value it was to the previous owner + the chassis cost + labour?

I bought my Defender over a decade ago, and as many members on this forum know I have done a rebuild (see my Defender Bodywork Rebuild post - which just became a full rebuild). I once sat and tried to work out what my 90 was worth. Within 40 seconds I was at over 5k, that was just for the price I paid for it, plus a chassis, engine, gearboxes, axle... see where I am going.

A better question might be, is this a good LR and list the faults and issues, we can then say if you've got a good machine - if someone approached me with a LR like mine (stock vehicle but in very good condition, professional level or arguably better work done on it) I would give them 6k.
Don't worry - the way Defender prices are going up what may have been a tad on the high side now will look positively cheap in a years time - if you've got a Defender - keep it! good luck
the engine seems in good nick, as does the chasis and main body work, theres a little bit of rust on the bottom of the doors and the turbo maybe a bit poorly but other than those it does just seem to be cosmetic.
Getting rid of it just because he's worried you paid a bit to much is a bit of a strange reason - have some fun with it and hopefully he'll get back into it and want to keep it. Ask a non-land rover person and they'd want to know why you'd pay ANYTHING for a drafty, slow, noisy thing such as a Defender!
wasn that lee guy on the land rover facebook page was it ? he always seems to pop up telling folk they have paid too much .....
Fair enough thanks guys, I hope this will help lift his spirits, and as for random strangers knowing it all that's exactly what I thought.
he didnt tell me his name but yes how did you guess that it was the guy on the facebook site?
wasn that lee guy on the land rover facebook page was it ? he always seems to pop up telling folk they have paid too much .....
he didnt tell me his name but yes how did you guess that it was the guy on the facebook site?
pic's please and a bit of info on it. if its the one that I saw on eBay a little while back I didn't think it looked too bad. Prices are going up on Defenders. Buy a car for six grand and in a year or so you would be lucky to get four grand back. Buy a Defender for six grand, I'm sure you will at least get your money back and probably more.
Enjoy it. Take it on a trip across Morocco and see what it can do.
This is what she looks like from the front
If the chassis is solid and it runs ok and your happy what's the problem?
Enjoy it and sod what anyone else says what you pay £6000 for someone else may pay £5000 or £7000 who cares as long as you get what you want.

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