
New Member
hi i came to an island last night in my defender and as i put the clutch in to change down a gear there was nothing there there was abit of clutch smoke and a little grinding noise then no drive its a 300 tdi someone said i know that the arm that shoves the thrush bearing sometimes jams or breaks as anyone experinced the same cheers
what clutch smoke?
can you select gears at all, or not?

if the release fork had failed, i would expect a solid pedal.
ive just been out and tried it i can get all gears just no drive i put it in diff lock high and low and i get drive but dont get drive in normal high low range
sounds like a half shaft or something. Jack up each wheel and turn it, until you find the one that doesn't make that axles prop shaft turn. Then, you've found the fault.
ive just been out and tried it i can get all gears just no drive i put it in diff lock high and low and i get drive but dont get drive in normal high low range


If you have DRIVE when the centre diff is LOCKED, then we can be SURE that both half shafts and the differential in at least ONE axle MUST be intact.

Because you have no drive when the centre diff is FREE, ONE of the two prop-shafts MUST be spinning when you try to drive off. This can happen if ONE (or both) of the wheels on that axle are not driving.

Apply the handbrake.
Place transfer box in HI and Diff NOT locked.
Start engine.
Get an assistant to watch the front propshaft from a safe position at the side - where he won't be run over if the car moves.
Engage first gear and ease up the clutch and ask him to shout if the front propshaft starts turning.

If it does, almost certainly one of the front halfshafts or a UJ is broken, or the front diff is jiggered, which is less than likely.

If the front propshaft doesn't turn, the REAR propshaft will be turning, and one of the REAR halfshafts is probably sheared - broken, or the rear diff is jiggered, which is less than likely.

Diagnosis is 90% logic and 10% luck.

yeah just been and checked pulled off in first high range handbrake on and like you said the front prop shaft started spinning is it an easy job to fix
i know what a half shaft is what is the uj cheers for the advice

probably looks a bit like this

found out what the uj is its the universal joint on the prop right like a knuckle joint it must be the halfshaft snapped
So, the front propshaft was spinning but the car was not driving?

If that is so, BIG problem at the front somewhere.
Basically something is broken. All you have to do is find oiut which bit and fix it!

Or are you saying you already know what's bust?
no dont know whats broke it may be a half shaft or a gear in the diff is fooked i know a few guys who can sort me out with new parts no problem cheers for your time
ive took it up to a mate of mine the cv joint has shattered on passenger side causing the wheel to drop as well looks like the wheel was gonna fall off should be sorted for friday

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