
New Member
Just a thought, I know BMW's diesel's run OK on veg oil, for instance a friend ran an E46 320D on the stuff very successfully - can the 2.5 DSE engine run on it too? And how about the older 200 and 300TDi engines? Hmm...
Just a thought, I know BMW's diesel's run OK on veg oil, for instance a friend ran an E46 320D on the stuff very successfully - can the 2.5 DSE engine run on it too? And how about the older 200 and 300TDi engines? Hmm...

Yes 50/50 with diesel. Maybe 60/40 in summer. Although your car will smell like a mobile chippy.
don't know about the dse but the 200 & 300 tdi's prefer veggie to derv, I have a 200 tdi disco that in the summer runs on 95/5 - wvo/petrol and this winter has run very successfully on a mixture of 60/40 - wvo/derv and a splash of petrol to thin it a little.

and yes it does smell, more like a doughnut shop than a chippy I have found maybe it's got something to do with me using wvo not svo.
Hmm, I'm thinking of swapping the V8 to a diesel Classic or P38 and using that as my daily drive, keeping the 330Ci for high days and holidays! I could even chuck a diesel lump in my Classic, but seems a lot of hard work for very little gain!!
My 300 TDi Disco loves bio diesel and a couple of mates run theirs on veggy, normally with a splash of unleaded. I am thinking of changing to a P38 and running that on bio diesel but would be interested to know how they run on veggy. Later diesel classics have the same engines as TDi discos, dont know if the earlier classics with vm engines will run on it though.
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Checkout "dieselbob.co.uk". Seems to make sense to me.
Just beware of long term damage if using dirty watery fuel of any kind. Any savings on fuel costs could be out-weighed by more repairs in the long term. Your engine is unlikely to break but FIPs are not cheap to repair. Driving round the block a few times is pretty harmless, but problems may show after a few years.
Try it by all means , but be aware of potential problems.
I've just started using 50/50 (Veg/Derv) mix in my Defender 300tdi. So far so good. Got down to minus 4 last night, started fine. If anything the old girl seems to run smoother. So having found a mix ratio that its happy on I'll stay with it. I will monitor filter and sooting, but the way shes running I'd be suprised if there are any issues
Sorry, few questions!

- What is svo vs wvo? WVO - waste vegetable oil maybe??

- Mixing - how do you guys mix it? Silly question perhaps, but how do you know what sort of mix you're getting extactly? The difference between 50:50 and 60:40 for instance isn't much!
Sorry, few questions!

- What is svo vs wvo? WVO - waste vegetable oil maybe??

- Mixing - how do you guys mix it? Silly question perhaps, but how do you know what sort of mix you're getting extactly? The difference between 50:50 and 60:40 for instance isn't much!

SVO = straight veg oil (unused)

WVO = waste veg oil (used and needs filtering)

I mix mine by measuring the quantities into 20l containers and then shaking the hell out of it :D.
Hi I do the same mix up in 20 litre tins, then pour in. I only use new SVO oil in mine, so use the tins it comes in to mix.
I started with 10% SVO and gradually increased to 50%. SVO is £1.00 per litre, so saving 35 pence over pump prices we pay here.
I would advise to gradually increase concentration, checking (fuel filters etc) as you go.
There are some who say they run 100% veggie with no mods, but if you buy a litre of veggie and compare the viscousity with diesel its much thicker.
Can't see that being any good for lift pump or injectors, so I'll stick at 50/50.
A further bonus, might be just me but I think exhaust smells better than pump diesel fumes......although the bloke in the car behind may disagree!
i ran my 300 tdi disco on 50/50 with no real problems felt a ittle down on power that was svo from the super market before it got ridiculousy close to the price of diesel:confused:
i run my 96 dse on 100% home made bio diesel without problems
straight veg oil is too thick for the in tank pump in the range rover but mixed shouldnt be a problem.
did quite a bit of research into this especially on bmw forums and this was the common thing run straight veg oil and knacker the in tank pump!
SVO = straight veg oil (unused)

WVO = waste veg oil (used and needs filtering)

I mix mine by measuring the quantities into 20l containers and then shaking the hell out of it :D.

I just keep an eye on the fuel guage and the amount I put in : I then aim for a 50'50 svo doosel mix.
SVO = straight veg oil (unused)

WVO = waste veg oil (used and needs filtering)

I mix mine by measuring the quantities into 20l containers and then shaking the hell out of it :D.

Sorry should have said '97 2.5DSE auto : no probs so far.
I've just got about 30 ltrs WVO from work, filtered it thru some muslin and the crap that came out surprised us!!

I'm gonna slowly introduce it was looking for a 25% oil mix but may by the sounds of it be able to increase this.
I've just got about 30 ltrs WVO from work, filtered it thru some muslin and the crap that came out surprised us!!

I'm gonna slowly introduce it was looking for a 25% oil mix but may by the sounds of it be able to increase this.

It really needs to be left to stand for at least a week or 2 first so that any water in it seperates and sinks to the bottom then filtered to 10 microns or less. I know muslin is fine but haven't got a clue what micron rating it is.

I don't want to put you off doing it but you could be making an expensive mistake if it's not done properly.

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