s'all good got some hose earlier and found a line for it, not the neatest look in the world but it'll work, fitting tomorrow with my mate aswell as some other toys :) fabed up all the parts tonight and so should be good for tomorrow
Getting packed up :-D let's see how this weekend goes in Whitby , god I've got alot of traveling to do lol :-D
just got today to do, then dj tonite. try get drive finished tmoz, then dj tmoz nite, sort stuff for wales sun mornin, then another gig.. get home 11 sun nite, get up monday load car and set off for 9am..

cant wait for a few days off....


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snorkel almost done :D just gotta connect up the hoses and cover everything in silicone :p then its time for adding toys :)

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