
That truck looks like its been done to nice standard, but just with an odd design!
That is what I am hoping. I need a solid platform to start with. Thanks for your comments, if I view I will let you know what's going on with all boxing in. Even the lower box seems too far to the rear to be engine although I guess it must be. Maybe it's just an access bay.
The lower box is where the gearbox is. The linkage on the top of the gearbox needs some space, and its useful to be able to get to the top for things like dipstick.

If you look at photos of the back of the ambi build, the center medics seat is half (the rear half) of this enclosure. But, again, it does not need to be that big. I think you only really need about 3inches of height at that point.
hmmm... ive just realised that probably has the r380 fittted.

i would imagine this to need less space than the lt95, however, quite possibly, theres details of that specific conversion that im unaware of (ie that may need the additional space)

...but still, i suspect its just odd design, like the bulkhead box.
hmmm... ive just realised that probably has the r380 fittted.

i would imagine this to need less space than the lt95, however, quite possibly, theres details of that specific conversion that im unaware of (ie that may need the additional space)

...but still, i suspect its just odd design, like the bulkhead box.
and the bed takes up all floor space rear of the door. I'm sure the owner was much more interested in the vehicle and it's history and not that bothered about creating an exped vehicle
You're right, Julian. I never clicked the arrow to move along to the next set of pictures.
Could well be what I end up with minus the roof tent (see above)
I've got a Hannibal tent and awning on mine and I love it. The only downside is that once you're set up which doesn't take long to be fair, you don't want to drive off anywhere as it all has to come down again. Thinking of getting a motorbike rack.
I've got a Hannibal tent and awning on mine and I love it. The only downside is that once you're set up which doesn't take long to be fair, you don't want to drive off anywhere as it all has to come down again. Thinking of getting a motorbike rack.
I'm sure they are great. I've never tried one but when I compare it to using a camping hammock I struggle to see the point. It's possible to set a hammock up inside a vehicle, you can also use your vehicle as one of the tie off points which increases the number of suitable locations a lot. It's also about a 10th of the cost and probably the most comfortable form of camping. You can tell I'm a big fan :) I'd recommend to anyone to give it a go. For £100 you can get a good basic hammock (try DD Hammocks, UK based)
I viewed by first 101 FC today. I definitely think it could be the solution I'm after. This one was based on a GS with a new body built from 2"box steel. If anything it looked even better in reality than in a photo. Great proportions, clean lines and perfect angles.

Unfortunately it's probably not suitable for me. Earlier in this thread we were discussing the boxing in at the bulkhead which takes up a lot of room. It turns out that the engine is placed that far back to avoid interfering with the steering. The other higher box mostly holds the heat exchanger/bespoke heater. The net effect of this and the very robust body construction is a loss of space which would make it very difficult to use as an expedition vehicle without major changes. But I'm sure it would suit short term camping or generally mucking about.

I am also going to start researching trailer tent conversions, using a Sankey as suggested earlier.
Unfortunately it's probably not suitable for me. Earlier in this thread we were discussing the boxing in at the bulkhead which takes up a lot of room. It turns out that the engine is placed that far back to avoid interfering with the steering. The other higher box mostly holds the heat exchanger/bespoke heater. The net effect of this and the very robust body construction is a loss of space which would make it very difficult to use as an expedition vehicle without major changes. But I'm sure it would suit short term camping or generally mucking about.

That sounds proper odd, and, whats more, im dubious of the skill in the conversion, if, for some reason, they had to move the engine to take up most (ok, not most, but a lot) of the load area.

Do you have any more photos?

My 300tdi-a-like sits under the original engine cover. The only modification to the engine cover is to move the gear stick up, so as the linkage can run over the top of the (non-V) engine, whilst it would normally run lower, in the V.

Id like to know / see more of the one you went to view - if only out of amazement!

Im also wondering what the two black snorkel like things are.

What did you think of the 101 in other respects? Did you drive it? A future mod that id very much like on mine is PAS. Changing from the cross-ply bar grips sorted out a lot of the road wander, but i think a modern steering system would finish things up.
That sounds proper odd, and, whats more, im dubious of the skill in the conversion, if, for some reason, they had to move the engine to take up most (ok, not most, but a lot) of the load area.

Do you have any more photos?

My 300tdi-a-like sits under the original engine cover. The only modification to the engine cover is to move the gear stick up, so as the linkage can run over the top of the (non-V) engine, whilst it would normally run lower, in the V.

Id like to know / see more of the one you went to view - if only out of amazement!

Im also wondering what the two black snorkel like things are.

What did you think of the 101 in other respects? Did you drive it? A future mod that id very much like on mine is PAS. Changing from the cross-ply bar grips sorted out a lot of the road wander, but i think a modern steering system would finish things up.

I must admit I did think being that far back was odd and worry about cooling.... Both the engine and the occupants! I will attach another pic but I'm not sure if it helps.

I didn't really drive it other than around the yard. It's on Sorn so the owner was reluctant to take it out. There was a lot of play in the steering, is this normal? At slow speed it's hard to judge the steering though.

The snorkels are actually air intakes to help keep it out of the dust. From an aesthetic point of view they do a great job defining the two parts of the truck.

But overall I love the idea of a 101. I don’t think it will turn out to be the most practical solution but it will make up for it in feel good factor. I will certainly put a lot of effort into trying to get one which will work for me but given my limited resources I may have to go down a more boring road in the end.

You mentioned in your post about a roof mod that you weren't sure about the roof you photochopped. There is a very fine line between something looking great and looking crappie. I think if the angle was less steep it would look better. This one looked spot on. But the other reason it looks so great are the clean lines and overall proportions. If you make it bigger you loose that so I think you may have to trade looks for practicality.

Power steering for me would be a big plus. My biggest concern about the 101 would be it's ease of use on normal roads.

Fun day:)
101 2.jpg
I'm sure they are great. I've never tried one but when I compare it to using a camping hammock I struggle to see the point. It's possible to set a hammock up inside a vehicle, you can also use your vehicle as one of the tie off points which increases the number of suitable locations a lot. It's also about a 10th of the cost and probably the most comfortable form of camping. You can tell I'm a big fan :) I'd recommend to anyone to give it a go. For £100 you can get a good basic hammock (try DD Hammocks, UK based)
I lived in a hammock in the jungle on a few occasions. I hate them now. Nice big sturdy roof tent with built in mattress much more fun plus I can shag the missus in it. Hammock sex is practically a martial art.
I lived in a hammock in the jungle on a few occasions. I hate them now. Nice big sturdy roof tent with built in mattress much more fun plus I can shag the missus in it. Hammock sex is practically a martial art.
You'll know your a black belt when you can do "IT" standing up. o_O
I had a good look at buying a 101 some years ago for the very same reason of rough camping. After some thought I realised that there was very little in the way of protection in the event of a front end incident, at very low speeds you would be alright but anything like normal road speed - say 30 mph - it could be quite interesting, not to say life changing, and not in a good way. Decided to buy a camper van and leave the off road stuff to my 90.
You'll know your a black belt when you can do "IT" standing up. o_O
I had a good look at buying a 101 some years ago for the very same reason of rough camping. After some thought I realised that there was very little in the way of protection in the event of a front end incident, at very low speeds you would be alright but anything like normal road speed - say 30 mph - it could be quite interesting, not to say life changing, and not in a good way. Decided to buy a camper van and leave the off road stuff to my 90.
That's s great point.

That said I'm guessing no one buys a 101 truly believing it's the sensible option, regardless what they might say to their wife :)
For me -

If i had the space, id have a ural. You could pretty much live in one of those full time.
A more sensible option, but with less class, would be somthing like a layland daf. Maybe, realistically, id go for one of those.
If i just wanted to 'camp', id have a 110 with a roof tent - way easier option than a 101, and you can use it as a car when youre not away.
The 101 has some style, and is more solid than a roof tent. Warmer for things like iceland trips (which i would like to do) and more civilised than a tent for short weekends away, but no good for nipping down the shops.
You can keep the 101 on standard road parking though, unless you live somewhere with a draconian council.

Every option is a compromise. Its not all about looks, or how cool it is - the 101 is good for some stuff, but then other options are better for other things.

Im in the process of sorting out a 110csw. When its done, i guess i could get a roof tent for it, and use it to go away in. I can see that, for short breaks around this country etc. i would use the 101 - but then its not like you would need the 101 above a normal camper for that.

For trips abroad - im not sure. I hate tents, but the convinience of having a 'normal' car when youre out an about, against a 3 tonne truck?

...but then ive woken in the morning to find ice over the windows in the 101 - and you cant fit an eberspacher in a tent that easy!
I had a DAF 400 van, and now own a 110 with a roof top tent. Both were / are fantastic, but totally different beasts. I must say while in the RTT i'd miss the DAF a little and the comfort of being able to sleep / cook / live inside out of the elements at times.
DSC02541.JPG IMG_4052.JPG

I used to live in Oman which is overland country. everything is a back road and getting anywhere is an adventure. There is one road that is a favourite with adventure travellers which goes up Wadi Bani Awf. It's a long twisiting route that goes up to 2200 from sea level and take you through some amazing places...
IMG_2919.JPG IMG_1330.JPG 11018889_10100526645023812_4966628910956091095_n.jpg 11170318_10100560833764302_5329259032739955867_n.jpg

On my drive home from Oman I saw a lot of amazing vehicles like these:
5738.jpg 7e6edd06a0f783ec89389a2e12e8e5d7.jpg
They where incredible, go anywhere, live anywhere vehicles but I couldn't understand why anyone would have them. You can't drive most of the minor roads (like the ones above) in them which is what it's all about. But the biggest thing for me is I would never get a vehicle I couldn't put in a container. And our 110 required the roof top tent and roof rack to come off to get it in!!

p.s. I did see a unimog towing out a 12 wheeler lorry from a swamp in Mongolia which was so impressive!

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