Mr Noisy

Coming in your ears.
Hi :)

This is more of a chat thread than anything else really.

As you may or may not know, I've not really been out and about for around a year, in bored as hell by the way, but too much work on other things moved focus away from Land Rover and then it was out of action for a few months in the summer as I didn't MOT it due to lack of use, then finally got out in November for PnP and broke it, and it has been laid up for extensive transmission upgrade ever since.

At the current rate of save/spend/build/save/spend/build it could be another 6 months before completion, will be a tasty spec sheet when done however.

Anyway, despite feeling sorry for myself not being able to use the car, I also feel like I've been out of the scene, don't really know what's been going on!

Have there been laning trips? Were they good? Well attended?

Obviously there has been no snow this year so things like the 2012 Derbyshire Snow Trip that was quite well remembered can't have happened, but I do hear about night laning trips and stuff that I would have loved to have been involved with.

Just checking basically that things are still all good because once the vehicle is ready I'll be chomping at the bit to get out for some good old shenanigans!
Lakes were decent :) plenty of pics on the last few pages of the thread and a couple of vids of the wolf crashing into rocks with his sump guard
Im the same Sam. :(

No time to scratch my arse with having a new house and now me and the wife have a new arrival due in June. Im trying to regulate working away, but thats where the money is so its hard. Im having to help the wife out as she gets less mobile or gets a slower waddle on anyway :lol:

Im trying to arrange some laning and people to lead for the upcoming landyzone anniversary in May. Hopefully i can get out to recce some lanes before then but who knows to be honest.

I will be a happy man when i can get to Wales again for a weekend away.
I'm in between a rock and a hard place with the anniversary but I just don't think the disco will be anywhere near sorted enough, yet I don't want to take it out with stock diffs and break them :(
I know Dave it's killing me but I kinda signed up for this, didn't expect nearly a year in rebuild time though :eek:
I'm looking forward to it Bri, will want to be getting all the boys out together once it's done, I'm putting all my time and money into it, get it fixed up as quick as possible but it's a big bastard job! :D
Ya i know i'm still sorting out my new one, got to find a lift kit for it and sort out the exhaust so that i can get more power from it.
Really enjoy going out with you lot it is good fun.

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