
New Member
Hi, need a bit of help with cabin heating, I can put the controls to hot on both sides but I get a barely feelable warmth, engine temp never seems to get past a quarter on the gauge.
It's been bled but still no change, even putting a/c on in heating makes no difference
Is there a good blast out from blower, have you tried reverse flushing the heater rad , I have a foam mat infront of rad during winter as my engine runs cool, it warms it up a bit.
Defender heaters can be pretty poor when neglected. I reverse-flushed mine with a garden hose and an impressive amount of orange crud came out! With cleaning out the air side, and some additional sealing up of gaps etc, this massively improved it. But it could also be that the engine is not getting warm, which points to a thermostat problem. You'll need to disconnect coolant pipes to flush the heater matrix, so it's worth taking the thermostat apart while you're at it, and they're cheap enough that you might as well replace it anyway.
Defender heaters can be pretty poor when neglected. I reverse-flushed mine with a garden hose and an impressive amount of orange crud came out! With cleaning out the air side, and some additional sealing up of gaps etc, this massively improved it. But it could also be that the engine is not getting warm, which points to a thermostat problem. You'll need to disconnect coolant pipes to flush the heater matrix, so it's worth taking the thermostat apart while you're at it, and they're cheap enough that you might as well replace it anyway.
I will check this and i should be able to figure things out

Thanks to everyone

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