I'm shocked I can't believe One of my ever so helpful posts has been taken out of context, Never had that happen before??

As for letting you "smash" me I don't really wanna know what you navy types get upto. :eek: But in civvy street that sort of thing is usually frowned on.. :rolleyes:
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tbh your not coming across too well yourself :(

he is just genuinely trying to help you out, this is the thought process on LZ go with the flow and you'll get all your answers and more.

if anyone is down your way they might even help you fit it anorl :)

Awesome! If anyones in the guz area would welcome the help if anyone wants a few beers and a peek at ma project Pm me!
OMG iv not laughed so much in ages!
Seriously as stimulating as this is, your gonna have to give it a rest m8, ppl dont wanna read our lil back & forth!
if you've not got anything useful / constructive to say; then dont! ;)

Shame. Onedeafwonder has raised the white flag.
Im confident it will work on a td5 since the heat output is increased due to the remap (engine and gearbox runs warmer hence the larger volume gearbox sump pan.....)

Fook orf then and do it and then come back and show us how its done and dont moan and whinge when it goes tits up :rolleyes:
I'm shocked I can't believe One of my ever so helpful posts has been taken out of context, Never had that happen before??

As for letting you "smash" me I don't really wanna know what you navy types get upto. :eek: But in civvy strett that sort of thing is usually frowned on.. :rolleyes:

Ha ha ha! It must be a navy thing ;) but if your thinkin 'unicorn' then im deff not up for that!
Lol exactly

I apologise to the guys that are reading this and thinking WTF?? He was being rude, i was having some fun at his expense, totally off topic, again sorry!

as a qualified heating engineer for over 25 years and having designed and installed 1000,s of central heating systems having to work out designed temperatures including pump head capabilities i can honestly tell you your idea is one of the most ridicules suggestions i have ever heard,i was being polite for once,redhand gave you the no bull**** answer,and your looking for a fight? go ahead nstall it find out that all that time and effort you invested is for nothing we treid to tell you and if you honestly think you can pick a fight with redhand someone whos owned landies for a long time,knows every part of them and is normally very helpful with questions then crack on i can see you lasting a long time on here
as a qualified heating engineer for over 25 years and having designed and installed 1000,s of central heating systems having to work out designed temperatures including pump head capabilities i can honestly tell you your idea is one of the most ridicules suggestions i have ever heard,i was being polite for once,redhand gave you the no bull**** answer,and your looking for a fight? go ahead nstall it find out that all that time and effort you invested is for nothing we treid to tell you and if you honestly think you can pick a fight with redhand someone whos owned landies for a long time,knows every part of them and is normally very helpful with questions then crack on i can see you lasting a long time on here

Ok thanks for the benefit of your experience! Lol ;)
Don't worry deafy we are all officially ****ers.. and i already like you over bob. Tried plumbing in a proper house rad? Should be cosy

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