why dont u try 6mm or 8mm micro bore copper, also fit a valve on the return line nearly closed off to restrict the flow, ide take it off the heater matrix pipe work aswell.

Wow thanks ian, i didnt know they did a micro bore, worth a look but the radiators come pre fab'd with 15mm

Iv already built in a stop valve between the pipe runs, do you think adding one on the return run will help?

Can you pls elaborate on why you'd take it off the heater matrix pipe? I was going to t into the exit pipe as close to the engine water jacket as poss


the only reason i said heater matrix pipe work , cos its a smaller bore and cheaper on fitting and a lot less pipe work runs, if your rad has valves already you can get reducers down to the size you want, but u got to make sure you balance the return line ie nearly closed off , just to let the flow trickle through,
u could eve try the hole coil its self , connect into your flow and return, valve on the return line and see if it heats up aswell as u would expect it to, u could even make up ur own air vent aswell just to get all the air out?.
What's a P60??? I'm self employed..

Rofl what as red?

Dont tell me; village idiot or grumpy old guy that yells at kids!?

Wheres all that argumentative spirit red?
'FFS' i pitty this fool; your worse than a school yard bully, at least they're kids and don't know the difference! First hint of a bit of banter and you shrivel like a fat kid on sports day.
the only reason i said heater matrix pipe work , cos its a smaller bore and cheaper on fitting and a lot less pipe work runs, if your rad has valves already you can get reducers down to the size you want, but u got to make sure you balance the return line ie nearly closed off , just to let the flow trickle through,
u could eve try the hole coil its self , connect into your flow and return, valve on the return line and see if it heats up aswell as u would expect it to, u could even make up ur own air vent aswell just to get all the air out?.

Thanks for the detailed reply!

the full setup in the wolf has conex air valves, one in each run of rads down either side of the load bay, since the 2 rads I'm using are the smaller ones, they didn't have them and i had to source / fit them myself- hopefully, bleeding the system shouldn't be a big problem....

The smaller bore would have been useful! Though its only copper pipe through the rads themselves, iv used 13mm I/D car radiator pipe to connect from engine to radiator

Will really need to take some pics but my copper soldering looks like the work experience kids been at it!! (Well, Im a bootneck, not a plumber!)
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Rofl what as red?

Dont tell me; village idiot or grumpy old guy that yells at kids!?

Wheres all that argumentative spirit red?
'FFS' i pitty this fool; your worse than a school yard bully, at least they're kids and don't know the difference! First hint of a bit of banter and you shrivel like a fat kid on sports day.

WTF are yu on about..
p60 is for paye, why would he have one of them being self employed and of course he knows how much tax he paid....he fills out his own tax return
Just highlighting what a complete ####tard you look when you get a very il conceived opinion on someones post and feel the need to start ranting.
funny how monosyllabic you get when put in your place!

What are you looking for a fight for? :confused:

Reds was one of a range of opinions that the idea is unlikely to work.....which you dismissed out of hand :rolleyes:

If you know all the answers why ask the question?
Just highlighting what a complete ####tard you look when you get a very il conceived opinion on someones post and feel the need to start ranting.
funny how monosyllabic you get when put in your place!

And you think you've put me in my place????? for what exactly?? telling you your idea is ****?? or was it just because you didn't get the answer you actually wanted??

As I said if you're so sure it's a great idea get on with it FFS
What are you looking for a fight for? :confused:

Reds was one of a range of opinions that the idea is unlikely to work.....which you dismissed out of hand :rolleyes:

If you know all the answers why ask the question?

Red dissmissed the whole idea out of hand that it wouldnt work without reference to the specific question i asked at the start of this post.

If you read through the full thread you'll see how plain rude the guy is and why i felt the need to smash him.

Just to clarify, the question was where to tap in? And has anyone else done this?
Not will it work if i do this.
p60 is for paye, why would he have one of them being self employed and of course he knows how much tax he paid....he fills out his own tax return

Lol exactly

I apologise to the guys that are reading this and thinking WTF?? He was being rude, i was having some fun at his expense, totally off topic, again sorry!
Red dissmissed the whole idea out of hand that it wouldnt work without reference to the specific question i asked at the start of this post.

If you read through the full thread you'll see how plain rude the guy is and why i felt the need to smash him.

:hysterically_laughi Awesome :D

What fookin planet are you on :rolleyes::p
Lol exactly

I apologise to the guys that are reading this and thinking WTF?? He was being rude, i was having some fun at his expense, totally off topic, again sorry!

You were doing so well until you apologised like a limp wristed gaylandererer.

Fighting the war on stupid? Don't beat yourself up about it:D
Lol exactly

I apologise to the guys that are reading this and thinking WTF?? He was being rude, i was having some fun at his expense, totally off topic, again sorry!

tbh your not coming across too well yourself :(

he is just genuinely trying to help you out, this is the thought process on LZ go with the flow and you'll get all your answers and more.

if anyone is down your way they might even help you fit it anorl :)
And you think you've put me in my place????? for what exactly?? telling you your idea is ****?? or was it just because you didn't get the answer you actually wanted??

As I said if you're so sure it's a great idea get on with it FFS

OMG iv not laughed so much in ages!
Seriously as stimulating as this is, your gonna have to give it a rest m8, ppl dont wanna read our lil back & forth!
if you've not got anything useful / constructive to say; then dont! ;)

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