
Hi all

I recently purchased at 2004 TD5 Discovery 2 which was a non runner and I have sorted all of the mechanics and it runs on easy start but the immobiliser is stopping it from running on by itself so I’ve purchased a bypass kit but I just need a nanocom to program it in. As it only this I need it for I’m hesitant to purchase one, is there anyone in Cheltenham area or further afield who would be willing to help out? I will of course pay for hire , time and any mileage
Local independent might come out and do it, guess you will need to prove you own it.
I was under the impression you can just switch the security off with a Nanocom and don't actually need a "kit", whatever that it?
Do you have the EKA code? Don't think the nanocom will be of much use if the immobiliser is activated
Local independent might come out and do it, guess you will need to prove you own it.
I was under the impression you can just switch the security off with a Nanocom and don't actually need a "kit", whatever that it?
You can’t just switch off the immobiliser , you need. A bypass kit which has to be programmed by Nanocom
Empire £85 if you send your ECU, there is also some wiring which needs modification, maybe that is what you have bought.
You can’t just switch off the immobiliser , you need. A bypass kit which has to be programmed by Nanocom
Are you sure?... Don't be while you dont know exactly how the system works.
1. Once the BCU was remobilised with EKA code(or not immobilised) and it cranks you can disable the immobiliser with few clicks on nanocom you dont need any frigging "bypass kit" unless you want to spend money in vain.
2. If the BCU is immobilised and you can't remobilise it with EKA code not even the God of nanocoms or bypass kit would help cos the engine will not crank and if it's auto the box is "locked out" as well
3. that bypass kit is just instead of the security code nothing else, if the vehicle is completely immobilised through the BCU it won't help cos it will not crank and it will be undriveable with flashing hazards
4. if the vehicle was unlocked with the fob and it cranks while the engine is not starting it's not an immobiliser issue

ina nutshell: that kit is quite useless if you have nanocom and completely useless if you don't.

it runs on easy start but the immobiliser is stopping it from running on by itself
You should explain why are you so convinced that the immobiliser is stopping it cos if it was completely immobilised it would not crank
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I’m certain it’s an immobiliser issue, or at least as much as I can be. Me and my mechanic and checked everything else and this is what it’s pointing to. My understanding was the bypass kit was needed but I may well be wrong. Once I have a nanocom I’ll have a better idea. Thanks for your input I’ll let you know how I get on
There are two simple things which can rule out the immobiliser:
1. If you can unlock the vehicle with the fob and it cranks(and the ECU was not replaced) it's NOT immobilised, it must run
2. If you can't open with fob but you use the EKA code which is confirmed accepted it must start and run... if it doesnt it's NOT the immobiliser but something else
Have you tried resetting the inertia button in the engine bay? Sounds to me it's fuel related if it wants to fire on easystart

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