Allen 666

New Member
Hi any ideas,
I have had this 1999 discovery TD5 for a few years now and every time i switch it off there is a buzzing noise coming from front drivers side and it lasts about 15 to 20 seconds then goes off now Ive not really been to concerned about that as its been doing it for years ..But the last few days the noise buzzing has started to get louder witch is giving me some worry ,Any body know whats doing it and how i can stop it.....
Hi any ideas,
I have had this 1999 discovery TD5 for a few years now and every time i switch it off there is a buzzing noise coming from front drivers side and it lasts about 15 to 20 seconds then goes off now Ive not really been to concerned about that as its been doing it for years ..But the last few days the noise buzzing has started to get louder witch is giving me some worry ,Any body know whats doing it and how i can stop it.....

I think you'll find that it is (assuming you have it) the sls suspension settling after stopping the engine.

To verify this, you'll need two people, someone to drive and you in the front passenger seat. Get them to drive around a bit then park up - BEFORE they turn off the motor, you get out and listen for the noise just under the car by the front passenger seat. When you are ready instruct the driver to stop the engine and get out of the car. Does it make the noise?

Assuming it does, in part this is normal but also in part it could be a suggestion of a small fault in an airbag.

OK so first establish if the noise is in fact coming from the compressor under the front seat, then we can move on from there. Of course if you don't have sls - I'll get me coat:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Is this noise def "in" the car, or outside the car.

if its inside, then it could be the interior sensor fan is full of dust and it vibrates as it goes out of balance. To check this have a look with a torch through the little grille by the headlight adjuster switch.

If its "outside" the car, it could be the engine oil rotor filter you hear spinning down after switch off.
Ok i forgot to mention that my suspension is the NOT air type.just springs, and it does have ACE fitted.The buzzing is definitely coming from within a couple or 3 feet of the driver's steering wheel.???????It sounds as thoe its just under the bonnet i will have to have a drive and before switching of the engine open the bonnet then switch off and have a listen.
Are you sure it doesn't sound like a spooling down noise? If it is then it'll be the centrifuge filter winding down.
Ratty was correct when i stopped i lifted bonnet and Mrs switched engine off and i was there with ears open and it was coming from the spooling down filter but now it goes from a buzz to being quite noisy ..2 weeks ago i had a oil and filter change but left the old oil spinner filter alone as it was only a couple of years old.Question ??WILL it be harmful,does it need replacing, Should i just ignore the last 10 seconds of noise,Etc It obviously never like clean fresh oil going through it .
Its still an oil filter and should be replaced at the same time as the other oil filter, at every oil change.
Ratty was correct when i stopped i lifted bonnet and Mrs switched engine off and i was there with ears open and it was coming from the spooling down filter but now it goes from a buzz to being quite noisy ..2 weeks ago i had a oil and filter change but left the old oil spinner filter alone as it was only a couple of years old.Question ??WILL it be harmful,does it need replacing, Should i just ignore the last 10 seconds of noise,Etc It obviously never like clean fresh oil going through it .

According to the LR workshop manual RAVE, the rotor oil filter should be changed EVERY oil change which should be at least every 6 months !!!! It's the full flow filter that is changed less frequently according to Rave, but I change both at the same time.

The logic of it is that the rotor filter will remove most of the particles effectively and is easier to get at for changing, allowing the full flow filter to do it's job for longer.

You should really change that rotor filter immediately.

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