Hi all
Looking to pick your collective brains please
Off to look at /pick up an '04 plate td4 hse freelander from simmonites at Bradford on Saturday not really had any experience with freelanders mainly been discos and defenders. I know these have possible issues with drive train anything else I should look for ?
Also has any body had any dealings with simmonites ?
As I had help looking for mine a couple of weeks ago, I will impart what I can remember...

Check central locking
Check for play in prop
Reverse it around on full lock and if it feels like the handbrake is on there is a problem with the VCU (viscous coupling unit)
Check electric windows, inc rear
Check hill descent (if you can)
Check for water in the rear storage compartment
Check that both rear tyres are the same tread pattern, or it can destroy the VCU

That is all that I can remember at the moment, there is probably more.
We've been told its had a new diff so am a bit wary as hes not Saïd anything about vcu or ird

Yeh, I'd be a bit wary about that. May be genuine faulty diff or caused by other things. When he says diif - he may be refering to the IRD - as it is the front diff. If it is, might be worth jacking the rear and seeing if a rear wheel turns - it may have been replaced with a 2WD IRD.

To expand on the tyre warning - make sure all 4 tyres are the same not just the rears. If they're different, factor in changing them even if they're brand new (and any possible damage its caused).
As far as I know it's the rear diff that's been changed /worked on hence the concern as it seems main reasons for rear diff fault would be ird/vcu
Make sure the rear tyres are the newest aka deepest tread... Facelift models have a better gearbox ratios which took some stress off the VCU. My VCU had done 140,000miles when I changed it and that was only done as I felt it was prudent to :)
Make sure the rear tyres are the newest aka deepest tread... Facelift models have a better gearbox ratios which took some stress off the VCU. My VCU had done 140,000miles when I changed it and that was only done as I felt it was prudent to :)

This ones done 120k am kind of hoping it's had vcu done previously as it's had a rear diff at some point which simmonites fitted but they didn't know if vcu had been done but said they would check

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