New Member
Hallo there,

with some luck, I'll join you all rangeroverites soon (if so, I'll properly introduce myself and my car both in the appropriate forum) Though, I'd like to ask for some advice first, if you don't mind.

Thing is, I am considering buying a 2nd-hand Range 4.6 HSE, of '96, some 90K miles, pretty nice far as I can say: leather's all right, interior's good, it even does not seem to leak (that would be a mistake probably: far as I know, all Land Rovers do leak :)). There were some small quirks though I would like to check before I part with my money and drive on:

- if staying (on P or on brake on red light), there are very slight, but still noticeable engine vibrations. Well I haven't driven a RR before: is that normal for a ten-year old V8, or should it be silk-smooth? I've thougt with this engine, it should be kind of undistinguishable whether the thing runs or not, until I check the dashboard or try to drive on ;)

- in the same situation (stationary) I can turn the steering wheel an inch or two freely before the wheels start turning. Is this normal with a RR this old?

- the Message Center when switched on a few times reported "ALTERNATOR FAULT" (actually, since the car comes from Germany, "REGLER DEFEKT", which far as I know is the very same info report). The message was intermittent, and after some driving it ceased to occur. The seller says it is kind of normal that sometimes, if the car stays in traffic jam with lights and A/C on for a time (which we did), the alternator is not quite up filling the battery, and this report may occur. As soon as the car runs for a while, the battery gets full again and the message disappears (which it did indeed eventually). He says it is all right, and no corrective action is needed... would you agree? Anybody with similar car and similar experience?

- the trip computer shown four things: trip1 distance, distance to empty, average consumption, trip2 distance. Is that right? I though it should present the average speed, too; possibly though it did not at '96? (I've been able to find an owner's manual for '98 only on Web, not the older one.)

- average consumption shown was about 7 mpg. Seems to me fair for a 4.6 V8 given we indeed spent lotta time in jams... or should it be considerably better even so? For normal driving, I suppose the mileage shoud keep around 15 mpg, am I right?

- how should normally the All Close feature work? I've tried to press and keep pressed the Close button on RC. After about a second the roof window (which happened to be open) indeed began closing. At this moment I've released the button, and the window immediately stopped and Rover beeped a mislock to me. Should I normally keep the remote button pressed the whole time till all is closed?

Thanks a lot for all advices!
hi oc, a slight misfire on idle/park?
there is more play in a 4x4 than normal cars + you can adjust the free play
i would say the alternator is on its way out? or bad earths/connections
mine says average speed ? maybe it can be put back with testbook?
if you have just reset the mpg,s in traffic 7mpg would be normal mine does around 12-15 in fairly heavy traffic
if you press the fob twice within a second or 2 it should auto close maybe a window/sunroof needs setting?
porous engine block,, i will let somebody else answer that ...lol regards dave
Hi Dave, thanks for the answer!

dave121 said:
hi oc, a slight misfire on idle/park?

Possibly. Short of bad spark plugs (which I've already told the seller to be so kind to check for :)), are there known causes with RR's?

Anyroad, means I am right it is not normal, and that at idle, sitting inside with bonnet closed just by hearing/feeling I should not be able to determine whether the engine runs or not, right?

i would say the alternator is on its way out? or bad earths/connections

Hmmm. As for the alternator, I hope not. Difficult to check for, I guess? Other than the aforementioned report all seems well and swell, no other warning.

Note: the battery is pretty new, changed just short time ago: actually, I had to sync windows myself to be able to test one-touch ;)

mine says average speed ? maybe it can be put back with testbook?

Well I'll ask of course. Authorised service in this country is not particularly responsive though, alas :(

if you press the fob twice within a second or 2 it should auto close

Should it indeed? Myself I am no expert and just had read what's available on Web, but the owner's manual (for an '98, mind!) says on p.14:

... If a window or sunroof is open, superlocking will engage immediately, however volumetric protection will not be activated ...

Thanks for all the info, and wish me luck with the car :)
i do wish you luck on the new car (i wont say you may need it........)
the misfire or possible misfire may well be plugs and leads, it does not harm to change them, for the quality magnecor ones......
all in all it does not sound to bad at all i suppose you have to have a niggle or two with the age of the car , as it got service history? quite important, it may have a clue to the porous block issues, where are you by the way, and welcome to the forum regards dave
thanks :)

Good idea, should have though of it (the more so since I've got the same problem -- misfire caused by bad ignition leads -- just short time ago with another car :eek:).

Alas, no service book. Those are pretty rare here (Czech Republic) anyway... actually, I am yet to see one :( Actually my own experience with some of local garages is such abysmal I doubt they even could write :mad:

Thanks for the welcome. Well, hope I'll get here more often in future... and not seeking advice for mysterious failures at that ;)

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