thomas tiernan

New Member
hi all, going to look at a new shape r rover tomorrow at the main dealers. has anyone any advise on what to ask and what to look for on these beasts. it is a 52 plate td6 and its 15995 is this to much? they have already offered 2000 for my p38 . im led to believe the td6 is top spec and has 60000 showing on the clock. thanks tom
Compare it with autotrader and other dealers.Rarely will you find the car you want first time looking.
Sounds over priced to me - but hey, what do I know - I bought a P38 so I obviously haven't a clue!
Dont know much about the td6 ,but as already said if you look on the trader you will find a lot of them for well under that..there was a 53 plate on last week with only 38k on the clock for £13000 with full history and one owner(not that,that always means its in good nic?) if you think its worth it to you thats your money and your car,but you will find a lot out their a lot lot cheaper.
hi rob, just been trawling the net for one of these , and im finding the average price is 12 to 14k. so this one is well over prised, it was absolutely dead in the show room so i recon there is loads of room for bargaining with them! i will be sorry to see my p38 go though. they will have to come up a lot more on there offer on that to before i let it go as well!
from what ive read about them the early ones had a lot of probs with the auto box and others parts so be careful if i was you. and they would never get my 2000 p38 vouge for that they could dream on
I had an 02 TD6 in my worshop on Wed,the owner paid £9000 for it on Tues.It conked out,not uncommon.I will never rely on one as my daily driver as I consider basic reliabilty to be useful,if not a basic need.
i recon im probabley better of keeping my trusty p38 and runing it in to the ground, its upsetting to see just how much the p38 are worth now. i have done thousends on mine , it looks the bollox but it counts for nothing!
I picked up another L322 last week with the gearbox fecked. The guy had already had the front diff replaced last year. It was a 2003 with 70,000 miles on the clock. I think they are expensive money pits.
fukc me - Eightinavee drives a slitty! :bolt::behindsofa:
No, I currently drive a 1.8 Fl,a 96 TDI Auto Disco and a 1963 SIIA SWB.My bikes are all Yamaha except one 1969 Montesa 247.
Just VERY fed up with later LR products failing in ways that should not even be thought of.
What main dealers u buying from? u can buy these now as little as £12000 on autotrader or even ebay, The TD6 Vogue is what u want to look for if you want fully loaded. these cars are full of problems so i advise you get a RAC or AA to check it fully over, suspension problems and electrics need a good check over, tyres are expensive and haggle for a better price, they are not selling and you are doing the dealer a favour by buying this car!!

good luck !!

hi all, going to look at a new shape r rover tomorrow at the main dealers. has anyone any advise on what to ask and what to look for on these beasts. it is a 52 plate td6 and its 15995 is this to much? they have already offered 2000 for my p38 . im led to believe the td6 is top spec and has 60000 showing on the clock. thanks tom
Only buy L322's from 2004 onwards.....lots of hideous electrical issues are the main issues with 2002-2003 models....

.....remember these cars are just not selling, buyers dream scenario at the moment. You shouldnt be paying more than £12K for these for 2002-2003 and not much more for 2004's.

LR has car parks full of new ones just sitting there......they are just so un PC right now and with no options to have then LPG from new, they simply will sit there for quite some time...especially when we are in a recession.
a 1.8fl?

and i thort yu had good taste, 8!
My brother was over from OZ a couple of years back and asked if I had something I could lend him for a month,2 owners,55k and a blown head gasket.I paid £500 and repaired it.Because its been so reliable it has hung around.Cant really fault it apart from 1 rotor arm its been really good - even in the snow.
i bought a l322 04 for 16k one owner from new i got 2k for my p38 in part exchange
i do people who from main dealers have paid 18-19k for an 03 plate
best advice shop around alot before you settle on one

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