A Disco is personally better, cheaper to purchase so you can get a nice one, 100 inch wheel base so ideal length, 100% more comfy on road, just as good off road, will go anywhere a defender will really but you do it without smashing heads/elbows/knees of various parts of the vehicle and you get the added bonus of not having to listen to wind rushing past the ridiculous gaps in defender doors!!

Now wait for the abusive replys as people wont except thier 5K 90 is only 'as good' as the £500 Discos:eek: :argue: (well someone had to say it :D)


Thank you all for your replies, my post certainly got you all talking on a good subject.

The car in my profile pic will be my main off car for trialing and off roading when i have larger wheels to cross between one or the other.

It seems i could be wasting my time messing about with the P38 2.5 and prepping it for green lanes and light off road (the electric gizzmos under the seat put pay to that)...What can't even plash about a little, how boring!

The thing is although the Buddah (car in pic) has a A.R.C. tag and is registered the car is not road legal and a lot of pay and play sites that i have found want you to have a road legal vehicle in order to use their site.

The deciding factors for my choice will be based on:
Pulling power because of the trailer runs.
Use of the vehicle for every day use.
Emission zone as i live on the boarder.
Using the vehicle for green lanes and also as a recovery vehicle(for when the Buddah gets stuck or breaks down)
It needs to be female friendly for my other half to drive.

Of course there are the other considerations, you know the general ones but i wont go into that...Blar ...Blar...Blar.

The deciding factors for my choice will be based on:
Pulling power because of the trailer runs.
Use of the vehicle for every day use.
Emission zone as i live on the boarder.
Using the vehicle for green lanes and also as a recovery vehicle(for when the Buddah gets stuck or breaks down)
It needs to be female friendly for my other half to drive.

What you are saying here is 'I need a Disco'. :D

But on a serious note the Disco gives you all that, on road ability, easy to drive, LEZ free, great off road performance and great recovery vehicle. I know im a bit Disco biased but in all seriousness if you have a dedicated off roader then the Disco is perfect as for 90% of the time its going to be on road/muddy lanes and not doing some axle twisting hill climb (which they will still do no sweat).
What you are saying here is 'I need a Disco'. :D

But on a serious note the Disco gives you all that, on road ability, easy to drive, LEZ free, great off road performance and great recovery vehicle. I know im a bit Disco biased but in all seriousness if you have a dedicated off roader then the Disco is perfect as for 90% of the time its going to be on road/muddy lanes and not doing some axle twisting hill climb (which they will still do no sweat).

I think his other half would have more fun driving an old 90. My mum loves driving my old girl, so much so that if I ever decided to sell it she would buy it straight of me! haha We used to have a disco, years before I could drive, but all I remember was the dam thing rotting in every imaginal place. It is slightly heavier then a 90 I believe so you legally aren't aloud to tow as much. Capacity of car+trailer has to be 3.5 ton, (without a tachograph) and with a 90 weighing 1.7 ton 1.8 tons to play with without having to get a tachograph. I don't know anyone who actually does get a tachograph for towing over the net weight of the vehicle+trailer, but it is required by the law and they can be a faf.
A disco 2, 5 door 300tdi weighs roughly 2100 ton. So if its for towing you want this vehicle, buying a discovery could limit you over weight and you may not be able to tow you're off roader :) I highly highly doubt you're off roader plus its trailer come to no more then 1.4 ton.
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I think his other half would have more fun driving an old 90. My mum loves driving my old girl, so much so that if I ever decided to sell it she would buy it straight of me! haha We used to have a disco, years before I could drive, but all I remember was the dam thing rotting in every imaginal place. It is slightly heavier then a 90 I believe so you legally aren't aloud to tow as much. Capacity of car+trailer has to be 3.5 ton, (without a tachograph) and with a 90 weighing 1.7 ton 1.8 tons to play with without having to get a tachograph. I don't know anyone who actually does get a tachograph for towing over the net weight of the vehicle+trailer, but it is required by the law and they can be a faf.
A disco 2, 5 door 300tdi weighs roughly 2100 ton. So if its for towing you want this vehicle, buying a discovery could limit you over weight and you may not be able to tow you're off roader :) I highly highly doubt you're off roader plus its trailer come to no more then 1.4 ton.

Towing is more complicated than that im afriad, you can go up to 750KG unbraked, over that you can only tow the weight that is allowed by the manufacturer, both the Discovery and Defender I believe (I may be wrong but someone will correct me) have the same towing weight. Also you need to check your license as not everyone can tow over 750KG anymore...

I do love 'fenders, they are great but they dont come near a disco for comfort and road holding im afraid, they are just to small inside (elbows and knees are always hitting things) and they dont have the sound proofing e.t.c that you would really want for a road vehicle but then its down to the OP I suppose, discos are great VFM though...
Towing is more complicated than that im afriad, you can go up to 750KG unbraked, over that you can only tow the weight that is allowed by the manufacturer, both the Discovery and Defender I believe (I may be wrong but someone will correct me) have the same towing weight. Also you need to check your license as not everyone can tow over 750KG anymore...

I do love 'fenders, they are great but they dont come near a disco for comfort and road holding im afraid, they are just to small inside (elbows and knees are always hitting things) and they dont have the sound proofing e.t.c that you would really want for a road vehicle but then its down to the OP I suppose, discos are great VFM though...

That is very true... I have a radio in my 90 but with the 200tdi in the front and a little bit of rubber and sheet steel separating me from the large, loud engine... there really isn't any point in it being there haha. They are uncomfortable if you are tall that is true, luckily, my self and my mum are not the tallest of people so banging shoulders and rubbing knees is not something I would have to worry about :) So you are right they are both things to take into account, neither of which bother me. Being a sound engineer, the landy is very quite compared to some of they systems I have worked on, so really not something I personally care about:) Which brings me back to a point I made a while ago, its all down to personal preference. What you prefer and what you would see you're self being happy with as well as what most suits you're use for the vehicle:D

That is correct, both have a 3.5 ton towing capacity, If you are towing over 750kg then you have to have a towing licensee, but it really is not hard to get one. Over the total net weight (of vehicle and trailer+load) of 3.5 ton you have to have a tachograph limiting the time you are aloud to tow. Apparently you are more of a risk driving for a pro longed period of time if you're vehicle is heavier then 3.5 ton. The americans don't seem to agree, with their pickups have a legal towing capacity of over 6ton! Which in england would be classed as a small lorry haha.

But I do agree... for comfort and day-day driving if you have kids, wife etc etc etc.. the disco is much more practical. My 90 will soon be used to tow staging, sound equipment and a trailer stage... most of which are on the heavier end of the scale. But seeing as we have a normal car at home for a run around, the practicality of owning a 90 is no real issue, its mainly me who drives it anyway and for the work I do it is perfectly adequate:)
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Licence no problem as I drive a H.G.V for a living. And I'm sure the disco and range rover can tow a braked trailer with its load of upto 3.5t and be legal.

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