
New Member
Hello there I'm going to view a 03reg disco 2.5 automatic and was wondering if there was anybody on here that could tell me what problems I should be looking for as I'm new to the disco scene always had Suzuki but gonna change and hope it's for the best as you's people say only one life live it !!!!!
A see your very helpfully :-()

v8jay is just saying what everyone else is thinking, in fact he has been a hell of a lot more polite than most folk would be.
This question gets asked many, many times a day by people who are too lazy to use the search function and then get snotty when not given what they want.
So please, please try using the search function..............

or feck off:p
And how do you do that then a thought that's what this was about ask a question and some helpfull person would answer !!!!!
WTF you mean or fec off who are you was only askin a question So if your no gonna help then don't fckn reply ( madmentalscotsman )
A got it mucker and yes ya wanna help me wipe ma arse am no that way but if it makes ya happy then it's cool pmsl cool guys a will no next time I'm not on a computer am on ma phone ha ha !!!!!!
Thank **** for that, cos the amount of **** your typing I would hate to see what comes out of your chocolate star fish
It's cool a think a will just go and see the fckn thing cause when you start reading some of they problems it would put anybody off at the end of the day so fck it will go and see what it's alll about thanks guys :-() !!!!!!
Its a LR they all have problems just make sure everything works as it should.

Or welcome to the forum:p
Think the best buying advice for any LR product is this.

Either be ridiculously wealthy, and happy to throw it at a good specialist garage on a regular basis (and these can take some finding!)

Or be of at least some practical / mechanical mind, and willing to spend time doing your own research and repairs. Also be prepared to advise the so-called specialists who will probably not research things as thoroughly as you will.

If you are neither, then don't buy it!

What any decent forum needs is the answers to this question in one place......

Look in your PM folder ;) There you will find access to information in one place. Not complete but the idea is there.

MW touches on a good point above

Enough said.
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