
Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
I was looking through Busters photofix it section and I will note that a few of the posts no longer make that much sense without the pictures.

Threads with pictures missing courtesy of photobucket greed.

1) Power steering pump renewal
2) Door hinge renewal
3) A-frame balljoit
4) Hand brake shoe renewal
5) Alternator replacement/upgrade
6) Rear drive shaft replacement
7) Renewing glow plugs
8) Injector pipe replacement
9) Drag link ball joint
10) Propshaft alignment
11) Transferbox front output bearing & seal
12) Door lock replacement
13) Horn renewal
14) Steering column switch
15) Cyclone breather
16) Clutch mater cylinder renewal
17) Brake pedal box removal
18) Throttle pedal removal
19) O/S wing removal
20) N/S wing removal
21) Fuel cap
22) CV joint replacement
23) Sankey wiring
24) Upper link A-frame bushes
25) Lower link bushes
26) Front radius arm bushes
27) Panhard rod bushes
28) Drop arm ball joint
29) Reverse light switch
30) A handy wee tip
31) Swivel ball renewal
32) Steering box renewal
33) Rear axle removal
34) Front axle removal
35) Collapsible steering shaft removal
36) Fuel pump removal
37) Fitting a turbo boost gauge
38) UJ removal
39) Manifold removal
40) Bonnet cable refitting
41) Rear wheel bearing renewal
42) Intercooler removal 200Tdi Defender

Sorry for the long list but it has been an invaluable guide for newbies (me included) and if we could get the pictures back into these threads it would be great, I have seen a lot of older threads (mine included) have been lost in the Photobucket apocalypse with their charging for accounts, shame as it has made some really good tech posts scrap as there are no pictures to refer to any longer.

Ta in advance.
I know, it is only threads where PB has been used as 3rd party host that have been corrupted sadly.

Am I the 1st one to speak up about this?
I know, it is only threads where PB has been used as 3rd party host that have been corrupted sadly.

Am I the 1st one to speak up about this?

It's been talked about, however to put photos back would prolly mean Buster giving his permission and someone, prolly BB, having to dredge through and swap out the duff files ....
I thought we lost quite a few pics when the forum had a make over which was before photo bucket got nasty.

All my pics, with the exception of my full page profile pic, survived the forum software change.

None survived the greed of Photobucket's change of business strategy. :(

Edit. I think you may be referring to the archive pics, which I think may have been lost. All my pics were on the open forum, so no issues.
All my pics, with the exception of my full page profile pic, survived the forum software change.

None survived the greed of Photobucket's change of business strategy. :(

Edit. I think you may be referring to the archive pics, which I think may have been lost. All my pics were on the open forum, so no issues.
I have been away from the LR forums for over 18 months, back then (mid 2016) photobucket just ran adds and operated as normal, when I came back to my senses and realised what I had been missing, all of my pics across 12 odd forums inc the radio control car forums have had pics replaced by random pb image and I no longer have an account according to them, had that account for over 9yrs, had all my off roading pics on there from Belgium and Holland, even my old Isuzu Trooper snaps, the house I renovated, the farm I used to work on breeding horses, all of the Discovery build from buying it up to the move back to the UK.

I am gutted, there were thousands of pictures and I had done several repair write ups that I had posted on forums too, all gone, poof up into virtual nowhere to be seen ever again, and of course photobucket is just a website, there is actually not a single person to speak to, no back up server or anything like that where I could possibly get my pictures back, nothing.

I am hoping to find some memory cards that "MIGHT" have them on, not gonna hold my breath though :(:(:(
Would need downloading individually from busters photo bucket and then reuploading to the forum and inserting in the relevant place.

Worth doing imo if someone can get hold of buster and get his permission to ‘take’ his photos and ‘host’ them locally.
I have been away from the LR forums for over 18 months, back then (mid 2016) photobucket just ran adds and operated as normal, when I came back to my senses and realised what I had been missing, all of my pics across 12 odd forums inc the radio control car forums have had pics replaced by random pb image and I no longer have an account according to them, had that account for over 9yrs, had all my off roading pics on there from Belgium and Holland, even my old Isuzu Trooper snaps, the house I renovated, the farm I used to work on breeding horses, all of the Discovery build from buying it up to the move back to the UK.

I am gutted, there were thousands of pictures and I had done several repair write ups that I had posted on forums too, all gone, poof up into virtual nowhere to be seen ever again, and of course photobucket is just a website, there is actually not a single person to speak to, no back up server or anything like that where I could possibly get my pictures back, nothing.

I am hoping to find some memory cards that "MIGHT" have them on, not gonna hold my breath though :(:(:(

I don't do other forums. But I did have over 800 pics off PB on LZ.
I have almost all of them on a big hard drive, but going through them all and reposting them is a fair old job.
I deleted both my photobucket accounts when the pics disappeared off LZ. Not going to have them owning the copyright to my pics if they won't do anything for me.
I’m not sure Buster comes on here anymore. Certainly don’t recall reading any recent post over past 4/5 years. Must be honest, they were a fabulous addition to the forum in general, not just newbies, although I’m pretty confident a lot of new members arrived here as a result of googling these guides.

Would be nice if the form would finance a hosting account, I certainly wouldn’t object to being a paying member on LZ to access such guides. I often find accompanying pictures so much easier to follow.
I’m not sure Buster comes on here anymore. Certainly don’t recall reading any recent post over past 4/5 years. Must be honest, they were a fabulous addition to the forum in general, not just newbies, although I’m pretty confident a lot of new members arrived here as a result of googling these guides.

Would be nice if the form would finance a hosting account, I certainly wouldn’t object to being a paying member on LZ to access such guides. I often find accompanying pictures so much easier to follow.

3rd party hosting sites is what caused this whole issue.

LZ can host its own directly uploaded pics and if it ever becomes an issue we can sort it here ourselves.

Unfortunately we can't do anything about pics hosted elsewhere and the PB blackmail is a disaster across all forums.
I'm in the slow process of bringing my own build thread back to life with editing and direct upload.

I think it was a serious mistake by them to do it this way, some people will have panicked and paid but I never got the bloody chance, went to log in and poof, all gone.

If there was any way to get in touch with Buster it would be great to bring them threads back to life, I would even volunteer to try and reconstruct them with the pictures if they could be made available.
3rd party hosting sites is what caused this whole issue.

LZ can host its own directly uploaded pics and if it ever becomes an issue we can sort it here ourselves.

Unfortunately we can't do anything about pics hosted elsewhere and the PB blackmail is a disaster across all forums.

There must be forum owners the world over cursing Photobucket. I wonder what effect it has had on their own business. I can't imagine many people would have paid that money for a hobby. Judging by the emails I get from them, PB assumed that most of their heavy users were businesses using the pics for profit.
They keep on asking me if my business would benefit from using them, but I never used anything on PB for business puposes.

I'm in the slow process of bringing my own build thread back to life with editing and direct upload.

I think it was a serious mistake by them to do it this way, some people will have panicked and paid but I never got the bloody chance, went to log in and poof, all gone.

If there was any way to get in touch with Buster it would be great to bring them threads back to life, I would even volunteer to try and reconstruct them with the pictures if they could be made available.

I have put a few back in the farming thread, but as you say, it is a slow process.
Don't know if this is any use but worth a try
If you're using Google Chrome, go to the three dots on the top right side of the screen and click them. A drop down should appear. Hover your mouse over "More Tools," and when the next drop down appears, click on extensions. Go to the link towards the bottom that says "Get more extensions." In the search box, type "Photobucket Fix," and hit enter. Click the install button and once it's done, you should be able to see photobucket pictures again.

For FireFox users, click on the three bars on the right side of the screen, then click on add ons. Click search for "photobucket hotlink" and click install. Same result.

Hope this helps
It would be interesting to see what this has done to photibucket revenue. I don't know anyone prepared to pay the full whack every year
Don't know if this is any use but worth a try
If you're using Google Chrome, go to the three dots on the top right side of the screen and click them. A drop down should appear. Hover your mouse over "More Tools," and when the next drop down appears, click on extensions. Go to the link towards the bottom that says "Get more extensions." In the search box, type "Photobucket Fix," and hit enter. Click the install button and once it's done, you should be able to see photobucket pictures again.

For FireFox users, click on the three bars on the right side of the screen, then click on add ons. Click search for "photobucket hotlink" and click install. Same result.

Hope this helps

Interesting.:) Might try that.... ( though I seem to have occasional issues with add-ons:rolleyes:)

However, IMHO the problem is the 3rd party bit, as BB said:-

3rd party hosting sites is what caused this whole issue.

LZ can host its own directly uploaded pics and if it ever becomes an issue we can sort it here ourselves.

Unfortunately we can't do anything about pics hosted elsewhere and the PB blackmail is a disaster across all forums.

It's a shame, and I do agree with the OP that the lack of photo's turns the technical threads, which took a lot of effort to produce, into a complete non entity.

Any pics of mine on here are uploaded direct to the forum - I was active on other forums which went down the route of forcing uploads to 3rd party hosts (= WTF IMHO:rolleyes:) - and I don't go to those other fori any more - CBA'd :D I, for one was not surprised at PB's change of business model, nor at their belief that "everyone" used it for business :rolleyes:

OMO, but, I'd strongly suggest that everyone should upload all relevant photo's to the LZ servers ;)
It's a shame, and I do agree with the OP that the lack of photo's turns the technical threads, which took a lot of effort to produce, into a complete non entity.

Any pics of mine on here are uploaded direct to the forum - I was active on other forums which went down the route of forcing uploads to 3rd party hosts (= WTF IMHO:rolleyes:) - and I don't go to those other fori any more - CBA'd :D I, for one was not surprised at PB's change of business model, nor at their belief that "everyone" used it for business :rolleyes:

All the technical threads I did for LROi forum went as they were 3rd party only hosting of pictures, my build thread was useless as it was mostly written there as that was the forum I settled in first and when I moved on much of it was just copy and paste moving house type effort.

A lot of threads are useless now, and to make it worse, the guys that created those threads have moved on from Land Rovers and no longer venture into the boards to even notice that the threads have no pictures, I know I was a victim of popularity many times through the strong views my threads had and the images no longer being available through exceeding bandwidth and having to wait for the next month to show them all again.

Personally I think it was a two fold attack, one to make money from you if you were a business or serious hobby photographer and to get rid of the half a dozen photo Jo's that were taking up space on their own servers, either way, they are still in business so it didn't hurt them enough to collapse the company so potentially we were merely small fry in the world of 3rd party image hosting?

I always hadit in the back of my mind that one day they would do something like this but not quite so severe, maybe a limited free content but after the volume of free space had been used you had to sign up to a hosting plan, but the whole "choose your package if you ever want to see your pictures again" business model was a bitter pill to swallow.

After my initial apprehensions I thought that 3rd party hosting was the way forward after loosing memory cards and accidentally wiping them trying to "format" them in various cameras, 3rd party meant you could upload in bulk, wipe the card and shoot more pics and they were safe and usable on those systems, obviously they left it long enough (I used them for several years, a decade or so in fact) to get users hooked and with accounts with hundreds and thousands of images and then decided to start making money out of you.
It would be interesting to see what this has done to photibucket revenue. I don't know anyone prepared to pay the full whack every year

Not surprised. Nil cost to $300 per year per account for something people only do for a bit of fun! :eek:

If they had decided to charge say $30 per year each account, I think a lot of people would have done it.
OMO, but, I'd strongly suggest that everyone should upload all relevant photo's to the LZ servers ;)

OMO? Should you really be promoting yer favourite washing powder on the forum? :confused::D;)

On a more serious note, I think we were told at one time that the security risks of posting pics direct was greater than using 3rd party hosting.

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