Well-Known Member
I am looking at a unit that will be used solely for working on motors as a hobby, not as a business, the owner is obviously charging business rates as he is being charged, are hobby use units rated different.
No escape from rates
unless in scotland and the rateable value is <10k
As a matter of interest, what size was unit and how much?
It's 12mtr x 7mtrs maybe a tad bigger, it's inclusive of electric and has outside parking area of about the same, it's £500 a month all in.( I think I could get it a bit cheaper with a bit of haggling)
That's quiet a size, and in London too, maybe up here could find something half that price and if you could get 4 or 5 of you sharing it would be worth it IMHO.
£500 a month is a lot if your not going to use everyday...
I've been looking at doing the same too. Mainly because the neighbours hate me tinkering with lr's and have reported me to the council/police, more than once.
I actually feel like I'm being harassed and watched, but I really can't justify the cost of renting a unit
If I can get a few too share it will be about £25 a week each which isn't to bad for peace of mind and out of the weather.
Your right £25 a week ain't too bad and you can always sub rent by the hour for others in local area.
Aaron - I had the same a few years ago, I had totally stripped mine, refurb end everything ready for putting back together - had complaint from someone local, they told me I had 7 days to get rid or they would remove. Not supposed to do major works on driveway....
I checked it all out and they can, they can also end your tenancy - sold in bits for much more than I paid for it but gutrenchingYes, very true, but the only people I know are nothing like me, so I'm left on me tod.
A lot of my work is done in the garage anyway, out of prying eyes.
But the council have been out 'because they (the next door neighbours) reported me for running a business' and just said
'It doesn't look like you're running a business from home'
I just told them I'm doing my hobby, I've no work at the moment and that's why it's nearly everyday.
They have since reported me again (they told me to my face this time, or the gobby mother did) and haven't heard anything.
Not sure if that's a good thing or not.
Either way, I will be carrying on with my 'hobby' and don't see how they can come onto your property and take what's yours. But I may be wrong.
I checked it all out and they can, they can also end your tenancy - sold in bits for much more than I paid for it but gutrenching