
Hi I have a 2002 td5 d2, I was parked up waiting for the other half to finish work, it was cold as it had been snowing so I had the disco running been sitting idling for 20/30 min I look in my mirrors and just gave her a gentle Rev to see what colour if any smoke as she’s due a service, I seen the normal puff of smoke but I noticed with the window down it didn’t smell like diesel fumes it smells like burning rubber, I have checked the turbo no or very min end play in the shaft, I no I have starting issues when it’s cold left over night but that couldn’t be it could it, could it be the crank vent breather, I am running a straight throw so carnt be the cat, any feed back would be good
starting issues when it’s cold left over night

Ignition orFuel systems main culprit there, in tank pump/injector seals mainly. Checl battery as matter of course, weathers been cold itll kill a poor battery off.
Checked the exhaust for anything stuck to it?
Injector seals are copper washers and rubber seals but I've never come across burning rubber smell as a symptom
One of your fan belts need tightening?
Extra load makes a slackish one slip that's not evident with a light load.
The smell is in the exhaust gases it smells like a old Perkins diesel to, there is no blue smoke if anything it’s white grey colour

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