
Active Member
Drove a couple of local lanes this morning, surprise surpise cb gutter mount all out of shape again, now I've seen it on a defender 90 with a mag mount on the front bumper has anybody tried this on a disco, I know the front bumpers are on the skinny side so just wondering what sort of base plane you would get
The Austalians tend to fit them on the front bumper, and another tip if you do so is to mark the whip level with your roof height. No more driving under thing tha are too low!!!

The Austalians tend to fit them on the front bumper, and another tip if you do so is to mark the whip level with your roof height. No more driving under thing tha are too low!!!


yeah its not that things are to low its just so bloody overgrown around here this is about number 5 gutter mount that ive gone through
would that be good for earthing it, i know freelanders have them there but theirs is on a bracket i dont thint a mag mount would sit behind the spare with the wiper arm
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you actually use the rear wiper offroad?

how bulky is that Magnetic mount u have?

just mount it on the INSIDE of the wheel CARRIER, NOT on the rear DOOR part behind spare wheel carrier.....
make a ground wire yourself if needed and run it to a bolt that holds the wheel carrier... or run ground wire to inside of rear lights, must be a ground there u can use.
there's a grommet from that rear wiper u can use.
even a ground wire can be made DEtachable, use a small butterfly bolt to hold ground wire if need be..
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you actually use the rear wiper offroad?

how bulky is that Magnetic mount u have?

just mount it on the INSIDE of the wheel CARRIER, NOT on the rear DOOR part behind spare wheel carrier.....
make a ground wire yourself if needed and run it to a bolt that holds the wheel carrier... or run ground wire to inside of rear lights, must be a ground there u can use.
there's a grommet from that rear wiper u can use.
even a ground wire can be made DEtachable, use a small butterfly bolt to hold ground wire if need be..

NO I don't use the rear wiper off road but I do use it every day when I need to see out of it
I'll work something out with earths n stuff I just like to leave it alone once it's sorted I can't do with taking it on n off all the time
Yeah OK good idea, do you think there would be enough of a ground plane for good swr

There will be, but you will have a directional antenna i.e. forward and the car will be in front of it, your SWR may not be great. Get a small mag mount antenna it will work better and they get knocked off, but you can put them back on.

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