
New Member
Just spun my 1997 Defender 90 round past local country garage man who seems to know a think or too about Landys. He has about 20 of them mainly for spare parts but he had some nice looking re-furbed ones. He reckons I will only get another winter out of the bulkhead before water damage will become serious. There has been a lot of polly filling done around the vent flaps and under the front windscreen next to the mirror brackets. Water does look like it will get in in many places. He quoted £600 for a new bulkhead and that it was a lot of work - take roof of, wiring etc. Anyone any experience of this and is this a fair price?
Was £600 just for the new bulkhead or was it a supply & fit price?

Brand-new TD5 bulkheads can be bought for about £150 and you can expect to complete the change in a long weekend (two weekends if you are taking your time).
It really depends on how much work you want to do yourself, I have replaced two bulkheads now using brand-new ones both times (first was on my S111 and more recently on my 90) and while there is a lot of work involved it is all nuts & bolts with no special tools needed.
No, that is what I meant by it all being 'nuts & bolts'.

£600! Walk away as there are plenty of dealers selling new ones for around £200 and my local dealer is doing them for around £150 (worth travelling for).

If you have no experience of working on a LR then maybe it is too big a project to cut your teeth on but really if you break it down into sections it isn't too bad.
Buy a manual (Haynes is fine) and read all the different sections to get an idea of what is attached to the bulkhead and how it goes together. It can all be done with a normal tool-kit (you don't even need a hoist as the bulkhead can be manhandled easily by two people) and as long as you are methodical (take lots of photo's label everything etc) it will give you an imense sense of satisfaction and save you a bundle into the bargain.
If you go to any of the LR shows or autojumbles you will see plenty of brand new ones for between £150-£250, likewise they are occasionally advertised in the magazines or on the web.

My locak dealer is Nick Evans LR Spares based near Bedford.

Remember these are brand new items, not secondhand ones.
Can anyone recomend a dealer that will supply and deliver a bulkhead for a defender 90. Not looking to pay £600 + I have been quoted. Aparently Landrover had surplus of them and were selling them of for £150 -200 (according to one dealer) but they are becoming like hens teeth. Yer man at John Evans has them at the right price but cant be arsed packaging them or shipping them (funny way to do business if you ask me).
you can get a bulkhead off ebay just now for 250 buy it now. if you want someone to do the job i am available and willing, i will do it for 350 plus the bulkhead if you are interested pm me ;)
Ah. Never occured to me that Nick might not want to send stuff off as I live about 3-miles from him and just pick it up.
He supplies a lot of the well known LR parts suppliers with new/take-off parts and also deals with a lot of people overseas, to him posting stuff is sending a couple of lorry containers so maybe a single bulkhead is a bit small!

As he is still the cheapest I would be willing to pick one up off him if you can arrange payment and the carriage from my place, interested?

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