
New Member
Does anybody offer a bulkhead restroation servce for IIa? I know that a Defender bulkhead can be chopped and hacked about to sort of fit but we want to build this one up properly.


It possible to buy a new bulkhead now and that would probably be cheaper than getting a crap one repaired.
Thanks for the tip on Glencoyne. I have sent Richard another e-mail but I might have to resort to the telephone, heaven forbid!
Er.. yes, a new one would be lovely. No such thing as far as I am aware.

4 years ago, I approached a number of sheet metal companies (whom I'd had dealings with through work) They all ran away screaming when I asked about constructing a new alloy bulkhead for my 72 series III , without the correct jig to set out on, keeping it straight and maintaining the tolerances its just too challenging especially with use of expensive materials.
Now I am sure there will be other's come along and say' Oi, I fabricated me own in t' shed with old biscuit tins and a door from me dad's old Morris Marina' which is fine, if you want something that looks like a 'Blind Cobblers Thumb'.
dunt you just love it?? just cos someone decides it too challenging for them that makes it it impossible for anyone else to do.

i better tell my son to undo me jag cylinder head as the local garages wint touch it cos it wur to complicated and he did it when he wur 13 while i drank beer and supervised.
There were an article in LRM last year about a college lecturer teaching MVS, and he got his students to restore an old SIII, and they even fabricated their own bulkhead.

Well summat like that anyhoo ;)
dunt you just love it?? just cos someone decides it too challenging for them that makes it it impossible for anyone else to do.

Challenging in the repect of the preparation, tooling and set up, especially when we the consumer set a price on a one off. Nothing is impossible from a manufacturing point of view, provided you have unlimited funds or easy access to the correct equipment, technical guidance and time.
New bulkhead for a IIA is about £750 plus delivery, and that is galvanised. I think the guy is in Derbyshire, but I dont have the ad to hand its usually in LRM magazine. Hope that helps.....

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