
Pensioner Pete
Full Member
Been advised to repair my bulkhead whilst it is in place on the chassis.

I'm going to replace the drivers side pedal box/footwell with a new section, shall I leave it attached to the chassis (wings will be off) or leave it until I take the whole body off the chassis?

The second idea sounds the easiest but wouldn't you wanna know that the jobs been done properly and at less cost?
The second idea sounds the easiest but wouldn't you wanna know that the jobs been done properly and at less cost?

Quite right, my mate was saying that it might not fit back on the chassis after welding but I believe that it is quite sturdy and that the footwells are not stressed at all.

See what its like when lifted off the chassis:)
Having seen our son do his Series III Safari Wagon 109" bulkhead, I'd say do it off the chassis.

Access is far better and you know you'll find other bits to do!

It might be hard to get the holes to line up when it goes back on if it's been worked on off the chassis. Maybe one could tack weld a temporary stiffener or two on whilst it is still on the chassis and then grind them off when it's back on. It's certainly a lot easier to get welds of a quality you can be proud of if you can move it around so that gravity is helping you.

It's like all the people on here who breezily weld new crossmembers and outriggers on completely naked chassis. All I can think of is how on earth do the ensure that everything will line up when it goes back together.

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