Does this help?
Hi mate
I did mine last year and there are some photos on here if u do a search with my name.
I'll just repeat a bit of stuff I learnt over the repair;
  • Get good quality repairs panels ( I used YRM) if nothing else for the reason they will be of decent quality metal
  • Only repair the areas that need repairing. I was told this by someone on here and it certainly changed completely how I did the job (for the better). There is a real temptation to do the whole bullkhead - for me that is a waste of time and also good metal gives you a decent reference point
  • TIG welding doesn't spark or create too much heat so use one of these if you can
  • I bought an EZ dremel pack for my dremel - it was a godsend for the really fiddly bits and cut through stuff really easily
  • Go to and get all the necessary bolts, clips and gaskets - we had to call it a day when I didnt have enough captive nuts for the hinges - a simple thing to order an extra couple for £2
  • Get the correct bulkhead to windscreen seal - there are two - buy them both as they are fairly cheap, this saved me all kinds of grief.
  • Accept that its not going to go to plan. I spent hours on forums and looking in manuals - at some point you've gotta make the first cut. Just do it
I think the biggest advice would be to not get overwhelmed. I know I did initially. Just take your time and do it right. The things that take the most time are not the things that you would expect, so dont be frustrated when a 5 minute job takes 2 hours. Ususally the 2 hour jobs take 5 minutes :)

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