
New Member
I've been meaning to repair my outriggers and now the engine is out it's time to get stuck in. I already have a replacement left hand one that I figured needed a complete swop and planned to plate over the top of the rhs. but last night I found the rhs is just as bad.

Left hand side

Right hand side

My problem is, is it really worth cutting all of the outriggers off all round the chassis when it's only the outermost ends that are rotten? Is it possible to cut out the rust back to good metal and then cut the replacement outriggers to mate up, then weld the two together, possibly with a reinforcing strip covering the join?

Has anyone done this before?
You can do either or really it depends how confident you are. It's probably easier to cut off and replace as a whole. If you do that make sure your chassis is supported so it won't move and make up some Fatima either by setting it level or measurin from the bolt holes to the floor and other fixed points.

If your worried about reallignment then plate those up. It will take longer just be sure your clear of all the rotten bits
The liklihood of it being just those flat surfaces is pretty minimal.
Once the outrigger is off, youll probably find the chassis underneath is holed....

Keep poking if you want to do a good job.

Have a look at these pics to give an idea what you might be up against:
LR Outrigger

And RE. doing a cut & shut on an individual outrigger is fine - without a 'reinforcing strip'... So long as the parent metal is sound and your weld is equally good.

EDIT: Oh.... And I ought to point out that whilst I jigged and test fitted the bulkhead in place several times before welding, the replacement outrigger still went on at the wrong angle- necessitating the bolt flanges being cut off & rewelded at a later date. Good luck!
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Attacked the first outrigger today, not an easy job. Ran out of grinder disks and will power by lunch time.
as suggested there was some corrosion in the chassis rail. not sure what to do about this??? Also I need a new bolt that fixes the body to the outrigger. Can't find a part number, any ideas?

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