rob corner

Hi All, my first post on here. I'm restoring a Series 2 1959.I've seen a few threads about pros and cons of galvanising bulkheads but no one seems to mention the door hinge captive plates. I'm worried they'll get stuck in one place and no longer allow adjustment. Has anyone had a problem with this?
Hi All, my first post on here. I'm restoring a Series 2 1959.I've seen a few threads about pros and cons of galvanising bulkheads but no one seems to mention the door hinge captive plates. I'm worried they'll get stuck in one place and no longer allow adjustment. Has anyone had a problem with this?

Welcome to lz, Mate! :)

I would think you would be able to break them free afterwards, using a lever of some kind. Zinc is quite a weak metal. Or remove them and replace afterwards.

As no one has complained about it, it suggests it is not a problem, but very well done for searching first!
Thanks guys, I could remove the bottom ones but can't see anyway of getting the top ones out. Guess I'll just risk it, I'll maybe leave some bolts in the threads to give me some leverage and protect the threads.
Rob where are you having it dipped ? will do my spare when I've stripped and repaired it
Thanks guys, I could remove the bottom ones but can't see anyway of getting the top ones out. Guess I'll just risk it, I'll maybe leave some bolts in the threads to give me some leverage and protect the threads.

That is a very good plan. Leave some bolts in it, and wiggle them around with grips when it has been done, break the plates free.
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Rob where are you having it dipped ? will do my spare when I've stripped and repaired it
Not sure yet Foxy, place I get my steel from in Ilkeston has done stuff for me before so might use them but that has been simple stuff like trailers and what not. I'm thinking I might try a place someone has mentioned on this forum ( will have to look it up again) they are in Brum and have some experience of doing bulkheads.

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