Looking good ..

However, and this is meant as a constructively critical question, IYSWIM .. why do you have it sitting quite so high? I'd have thought a lower profile might be more appropriate and useful. I'd have thought the lower rails would sit nicely in the gutter without the need for the extra height of the clamp extenders.
I accept all comments - really broad shoulders :D

The only reason I have kept the brackets that length (same as my last one) as then it sits along the line of the roof above the gutters, and seems to sit well.

I did think of making them smaller, but once its sat on the gutter, you lose around 1.5 - 2cm with the actual lip of the gutter etc, so it doesn't look that high once on, and I think from memory they are only a couple of inches in length anyway - hope that makes sense....
Yeah that makes sense, no worries.

I tend to look at 'stuff' as I'd use it and some lanes we've been on, any roofrack wouldn't go through, so for me a lower profile would be a first concern! Completely understand different needs though and it certainly looks man enough for anything you might want to carry .. ;)
yeah, certainly stronger than the disco I think :eek:

I think this will sit as low as I can possibly get it with having roof rails and sunroofs - about 10cm off the actual roof, which isn't too bad as my last one was nearly double that I think....
Heh, I also tend to forget about rails and sunroofs .. luxury!! ;)
ever started too many jobs without finishing the first one :rolleyes:

slowly getting there, just need to sand down a bit, put on the light brackets and then its ready for powder coating :D

Cheers guys, just working out whether I am going for 6 lights on the front or just 4, and if just 4 whether to space them like the G4 setup (2 each side) or even across the top.

The solid part is just the design of the yanky model I am using as a template - a bit of a wind deflector I suppose - just makes it look a little different from the run of the mill ones - although I am regretting doing this part now, as its a bitch to get the weld, as when I keep sanding it back, you can see a crack where it will come away - might have to leave a bead of weld along the join - but at least it will be high up and out of real eyesight so wont look too bad....
Well........not much much :rolleyes:

Been occupied with making my own snorkel, then decided to fit the breather kit, then worked on the seals and welding up patches in the floor, then made up a decat exhaust for the Mrs MG......had a week away....also grinded of a fair bit of a finger, so have needed to see a doctor about an infection on it (probably the fact that most of my glove was grinded into the skin!)....

It is up there on my list of jobs to do, as its almost finished so want it on the roof, but now I am doing my suspension so again its on the back burner.

It will get done after the Land Rover Show on the 22nd June - promise :D as I only have to sort out the wind deflector part on the front (welding in nicer and then sanding it all down and then its ready for powder coating) - Unless I bugger up something on the Extreme course that needs fixing :rolleyes:
Piccies of the snorkel ? :p I need to get an adaptor for the airpipe to airbox so I'm off to the plum centre later :D then I can fit it this week if its dry enough
Thanks - me too :D

Especially given all came in under £50.00....well if you dont count the new air intake box/filter I bought ;) but then even if you do - all in all for £90.00 pretty good I think
Makes you think of the amount of profit in the Safari snorkels at £260.00 odd pound :eek:

At least mine is solid 3mm Steel so it ain't going anywhere, unlike the plastic ones....

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