
Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

Well it's been a while since I was here and I'm looking for my next project. I have found a potential winner in a 110 Defender but here is my question,

The owner says that he has used the vehicles Identity on another project so how would I go about registering this vehicle once completed?

I guess I would need an ESVA test and it would go on a Q plate. If so is that going to detract from any value massively?

Sounds like a world of sheet to me. You could always reclaim original reg and get his impounded and crushed :)
So he just admitted ringing a car to someone random? Or do you know him.

Seems a strange thing to tell someone.
The man is very probably a criminal, possibly even a car thief. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole and he needs reporting to the police. Although to be honest unless he has previous or has ringed a lot of motors it's probably too much bother for them to do anything.
He could just be incredibly naive although my money is on criminal, either way run a mile
Buy it and then get a scrapper disco and build a hybrid!! That will keep you busy for a week or 2

Is the 110 complete?
Maybe he got a new galvanised chassis and all new bodywork etc and built it up on the old cars id?
If he did he's still a car ringer.

Steve, afraid your totally wrong, no its not

you can rebuild on a new galv chassis with no issues with using the reg as long as its a new chassis.

landrover bodywork does not count towards the points system as it has a separate chassis so you can use whatever you want.

there is no mention of engine and box so he may have also used those and who's to say the axles etc haven't been changed at some point in its life, as long as like for like to original spec there is no issue

SVA is a fairly straight forward system and there is no problem at all with a replacement new chassis if that is what has been done

Cheers Steve
If he's selling the original car minus identity then the one with the identity on is a ringer.
If he's selling the original car minus identity then the one with the identity on is a ringer.

Think I have to agree here, at the very least its on the dark side of grey, to rebuild, surely you must be rebuilding the original car, but he's still selling the original, minus its ID.
Surely he cant be claiming its all new like for like replacement, when the original vehicle still exists.
if rebuilt on a new chassis etc he is perfectly entitled to use the reg... its a legal rebuild under SVA criteria

If he sells the left over parts with no id then legally he is selling a load of spares not a vehicle as their is no id

the use of those spares as a complete vehicle is an offence as you cannot legally reuse a secondhand chassis to rebuild a vehicle, but that offence will be committed by the buyer as the seller cannot be held responsible for how the buyer uses the spares

NONE of this makes the rebuilt vehicle (if that is the case) a ringer

strictly speaking you are better off cutting the old chassis number off and retaining it as proof along with new chassis receipt

my series 3 now sits on a new galv'd chassis with a newly rebuilt 2.25 as do thousands of other restored Landrovers and I sold off the bits I didn't reuse (albeit not as a complete vehicle as there wasn't that much)

however does that mean I and thousands of others are all driving ringers?? I think not or Richards would be out of business very quickly

With no indication of whether or not the original id has been rebuilt, where is your evidence its a ringer or are you privy to more info than the thread contains?

its only a ringer if he has used the id to 'ring' a previously registered vehicle

however as I have pointed out its a pointless buy unless the op intends to go via the sva route to establish it as a new vehicle

as an aside for the OP it wont be given a Q plate, they haven't been issued for quite some time, you would get an age related plate with a registration date of the year of SVA.....

Ive owned 2 over the years, a 1995 Cherokee that stated on the logbook registered 2010 but given a 1995 Plate and year of manufacture but stated as declared new at first registration
and my 196* series 2A registered 1988 but declared manufactured over 20 years earlier

but if the op reuses the 'spares' and sticks an id on then he is commiting the offence not the seller

however if the seller has 'rung' another vehicle then shop him and you may get the id relating to the chassis you have but I would think it will be easier for DVLA to seize and scrap the lot and youd both lose out
cheers steve
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Much in the same way that selling a V5 isn't an offence (I shopped a seller to DVLA who was selling id after id of early rovers and got a letter back from DVLA saying I was wasting their time (in a nice pc way) as there are V5 collectors so to sell is not illegal, but to buy one and use on a vehicle is the actual offence... talk about washing their hands

cheers steve
Also if the op see's the 'new' vehicle and its on an old chassis I would shop him straight away, tax exemption doesn't apply so the only main reason to ring a 110 would be if its someone elses pride n joy and nicked.....may even feature on the stolen threads and belong to someone on here

Cheers Steve
If the original owner has used the V5 and accompanying VIN on a new chassis then he cant sell you the old chassis with the VIN still on it as you cant have two vehicles with same vin . If the chassis you bought with vin on is used by you then VOSA will become very interested in both vehicles and the provenance of all the parts used in both , when you take vehicle for inspection ! :(
Hi guys,

Firstly thank you all for your replies.

The eBay item number is 171074955814. The vehicle is all there apart from the seats and the front doors so in my mind it is either stolen, OR the identity has been put on a stolen Defender.

I posted the original question to make sure that I was correct in my thoughts and these are,

A) you can only use a vehicles ID if you re-chassis the vehicle using a refurbished item or a galv jobbie.

B) the chassis change MUST be like for like, example you can't swop a 90 for a 110 or a Series for a Discovery coil chassis.

Any amendments to the chassis, and I include a bobtail or slight shortening, does legally require the vehicle to go through an ESVA as you have fundamentally changed its configuration.

Now I am not saying that all bob tails and shortened Discovery's should be subjected a test otherwise we all would be a little miffed, in fact not many officials would condone this either as they recognise that the SVA was originally drawn up to curb the kit car world, so don't shoot me.

I for one am steering clear of this and am seriously thinking of passing the info I have onto the rozzers, but lets face it, with the resources they have, the vehicle will be long gone before they arrive.

Not sure what else I can do.
Hi guys,

Firstly thank you all for your replies.

The eBay item number is 171074955814. The vehicle is all there apart from the seats and the front doors so in my mind it is either stolen, OR the identity has been put on a stolen Defender.

I posted the original question to make sure that I was correct in my thoughts and these are,

A) you can only use a vehicles ID if you re-chassis the vehicle using a refurbished item or a galv jobbie.

B) the chassis change MUST be like for like, example you can't swop a 90 for a 110 or a Series for a Discovery coil chassis.

Any amendments to the chassis, and I include a bobtail or slight shortening, does legally require the vehicle to go through an ESVA as you have fundamentally changed its configuration.

Now I am not saying that all bob tails and shortened Discovery's should be subjected a test otherwise we all would be a little miffed, in fact not many officials would condone this either as they recognise that the SVA was originally drawn up to curb the kit car world, so don't shoot me.

I for one am steering clear of this and am seriously thinking of passing the info I have onto the rozzers, but lets face it, with the resources they have, the vehicle will be long gone before they arrive.

Not sure what else I can do.

A replacement chassis must be new, you can't fit a chassis from another vehicle without using that vehicles ID

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