I am starting with a 1987 Defender 90 blue in colour. My mechanic will inspect it tomorrow and then I will see if it is as good as I think it is.
I am looking for alternative soft top hood options to those offered by Exmoor Trim. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. I'm sure I will have other requests as we progress.
I’ve had bad experiences with Exmoor trim recently.

1. New seats I bought for my Defender 2 yrs ago split at seams (Drivers seat). They replaced under warranty.
One of the middle row seats hadn’t got a tapped hole to fasten it to frame on one side. That was also replaced.

2. Exmoor trim tilt fitted to my lightweight rotted after 4 yrs. All thread rotted & canvas rotted as well.

For tilt I’d try Undercover Covers. They were recommended to me for the Lightweight. Much sturdier & better quality in my opinion.
New seat covers are fairly easy to fit yourself - just buy the foam bases & buy new covers if the frames are ok. I did my old front seats a few years ago (before the rebuild) and used the Exmoor trim ones to match existing middle row of seats. When I rebuilt I got complete front seats in dark grey vinyl as theyr3 easier to keep clean than the original ‘Tweed’ that was used on the station wagon.

I don’t know anyone else that makes the seat covers. All re-sellers seem to use the Exmoor trim ones.
Thanks for the ideas. I am thinking about going for some leather seats from Lucari in Sussex.
However, when I come to my senses I will probably use black vinyl.
I can’t get nice seat covers until I stop getting in my car covered in mud, grease or oil lol. I’ve got 15 quid ones in at the moment and I think they’ll stay that way!! If I get them nasty. Replace!
Final stages now. Taken ages but its going to be a great truck for its lucky new
LHD 90.jpeg
owner in the USA.

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