
good evening from across the pond. I purchased a Defender 110 from canada a month ago and I'm trying to get it imported into the US. the US requires a build date of 25 years or older to import. I ordered a hertitage certificate months ago from the museum and we just received it. the build date is showing on the certificate as the 31st of August. the date in Land rovers system is this friday the 14th. they have no idea why this is? does anyone have a contact at Land Rover that types up documents stating build dates? this seems so silly but the truck is sitting waiting to be loaded up.. its insane to think I have to wait until August 31st when the date is the 14th..

thanks for any help
No contact at Heritage but recontact them and ask them to put the correct date on the heritage certificate, or at least a covering letter. In the meantime you've got nearly three weeks to go til the 31st...you could use this time to thoroughly prep', do a few repairs and get to know your new tratter
I did ask them and showed them the what I had received but they said they will only put on the certificate what THEY can find.. so no luck
There used to be a department at Land rover that dealt with this kind of this, Traceability Dept at Lode Lane I think it was. That was few years ago now all of their old record might have gone to Gaydon. But they might be able to clarify the date discrepancy.

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