I hope this is in the right forum. Apologies if it isn't.

Anyway I'm broken hearted guys.

Our beloved Y reg 2 door Freelander TD4 automatic was towed off the motorway on an AA flat bed on Saturday. Blown the turbo, engine ceased. Not sure the best thing to do. Can I have some advice please guys? If I decide to sell for spares or repairs on Ebay what should I ask for it? Body is in pretty good nick. Is it worth getting a second hand lump off Ebay? I have seen one with the turbo etc for £275 + £50 delivery however as far as getting it fitted is concerned I have no idea how much that should cost. Been 20 odd years since I had an engine swapped on a car.

At this stage with tears in my eyes I'm just not sure what to do.

Sadly it had a new battery last week and in September I put a new rear window mechanism in the back window and two brand new tires in October and only driven it a few hundred miles since so this is particularly gutting.

Any advice would be warmly appreciated :)

Sell it in 1 piece, its only worth scrap money, few hundred probably.
Scrapping it and breaking it would get you more but take time.
Get a new engine in it and get your hands dirty, its not hard, weekends work and all should be good
I was worried you guys would say that. I'm not a mechanic and the most I have ever done is replaced a clutch on an old sierra when I was in my 30s. plus I don't have engine lifting gear and these BMW diesel engines I assume are bloody heavy. If I were to pay an enthusiast or a garage to do it what sort of price should I expect to pay? I could obviously assist. :)
We all had to learn sometime!
If you do as bigeee says ...
Just take your time its not as formidable challenge as you think
You've done a clutch before so you've split the engine from its gearbox aligned and torque!
So you are not quite the novice you may think you are :D
Not sure what's involved with a Td4 but a complete engine swap is usually pretty straight forwards.....you can hire engine cranes if you can't find one to borrow.

It'll cost more than its worth to pay someone else to do the swap so that depends how much you want to keep it.

I'd suggest paying a bit more for an engine with a warranty and getting help from the folk here to take you step by step through the preparation and hopefully persuade a few helpful visits for the big day with promises of abundant bacon sarnies and cake :)

Slightly concerned about the 2 new tyres comment.....you do know about VCU and IRD issues I hope?
Get the kettle on, the pizzas in and invite a few friends round to help you and it's do-able.

Also check the engine is warrantied as running and in good order before you buy one.
If you have done a clutch then you can deffo do an engine swap. I had never done either and have now done both.

It's just a case of unbolt and disconnect then bolt up and re-connect.

An engine hoist is useful for testing the breaking strain of any wires or pipes you haven't disconnected so double double check!!
The car is fairly worthless, so you have nothing to lose. If you get another engine (or even a whole donor car) then chicken out you could always sell it on again. There's not much at stake. If you get rid of it, keep the battery and tyres because by the sounds of it, you will probably get another freelander. You could even buy another and keep yours for spares.
Where in nottingham by the way?
My issues are numerous with the engine swap idea. Yes I am familiar with the mismatched tyres VCU & IRD issue as I read all about it on here in November however we have removed half of the Prop shaft last year anyway. So it's 2WD at the moment (well it was). We did it because a UJ was damaged on that section of prop shaft and were told that unless we didn't need it to be 4WD it would help fuel economy and make it more responsive which it did. Not sure the condition of the Viscous coupling or the IRD but it was driving great until the turbo blew.

My issues with swapping the engine are that it is currently parked outside our local garage (fortunately not on any kind of parking restricted area) but to do the work I would have to find someone with a garage or a drive that wouldn't mind it being there while we did the work. Not easy since we recently moved and haven't had time to make any new mates round here. Same issue for breaking it. Nowhere to put it while we did the breaking.

Then there is the expense of buying the engine and then hiring the gear. We have been doing up our old house for rent and the coffers are low.
That's why I was wondering what you guys think I would get for this model Freelander as spares or repairs.

Someone with a lump that wants a car to go with it would be ideal.
The car is fairly worthless, so you have nothing to lose. If you get another engine (or even a whole donor car) then chicken out you could always sell it on again. There's not much at stake. If you get rid of it, keep the battery and tyres because by the sounds of it, you will probably get another freelander. You could even buy another and keep yours for spares.
Where in nottingham by the way?

I'm in Mapperley area :)
OK I've been talking to the missus and we have decided to put it on Ebay for spares and repairs. I will put it up at £800 or nearest offer and see if I get any bites. Unless any of you has a TD4 and wants this for spares. Thanks for your help guys. sorry I chickened out and am not up for dropping a new lump in but costs and the fact I have nowhere to do it make that option impractical.

I also rang the garage and they want a grand for the labour to fit a replacement engine (supplied by me) and it looks like it would cost £400 - £500 to get one off Ebay anyways and £1500 is probably more than it's worth.

Cheap car to someone who has the facilities, time, mates and nohow to do the engine swap but not for me unfortunately.

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