Oh dear - sorry to hear that Grumpy. At least you didnt have to replace the dash bulbs to see whether the warning lights were on (as I did). Anyway I am now resigned to buying a Hawkeye as this seems to be the only reader that can crack most things on a Freelander. Sure it is expensive, but I plan on keeping the car for a long time so it should eventually pay for itself.

I hope you get the codes read OK and find a solution that isnt too costly! Keep us up to date. Sympathies!

It sounds more contagious than Ebola!

If that is the Gravity Sensor that Teddywood suggested - I don't think there's one on my '99.

I had a read through the ABS/TC/HDC sections of Rave and there's no mention of it. There's no pins for it on the ECU and its not in the schematics. So I think it must be a later introduction.
There's a lot to be said for having a bog standard fl with no electrickery. I like having less things to go wrong :)
My 3 friends came on after I whacked my nsf wheel on my front doorstep

Gave the abs sensor a tap or two and they went out shortly afterwards...must have knocked it out of whack.

Hope you get sorted :)

Edited - tell a lie ..now I remember that after tapping the sensor all three would come on with first ignition, turn off ignition then back on....tc and abs would be on till I reached 10mph then they would go out.
finally got sorted with a code reset.
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Can't believe I started this thread at the beginning on November.

I got the codes read shortly after, and it was the modulator - again!

So today I got a replacement - god I'm a lazy bugger.

Rang the local Landie shop - can be fixed - "we have to send it up to the North Island" - £400 ($800) plus our labour - no thanks.

Googled for the guy up North and found him - £250 plus freight - no thanks.

Rang a Rover/Landie parts co in Auckland - we've got 1 on the shelf that works £150 - I'll think about it.

Rang a scrapper I got a wing mirror from - £100 - I'll think about it.

Rang my local scrapper - £75 - went along to pick it up "oh didn't realise it was you" £60 - sorted.

I know what I'll be doing on Saturday now.
Yeh, curse the 5 quid ODB2 reader for not working !
Anyway - first thing is to get it down a garage to have the codes read - or invest in an i930.

Sorry it's a bit off topic, but, are those i930s any good? Been thinking of getting one...

And sounds like you've got your problem sorted, nice one

Sorry it's a bit off topic, but, are those i930s any good? Been thinking of getting one...

And sounds like you've got your problem sorted, nice one


No I took it down to the Landie garage and had them read the codes - cost me £25 - so I was a bit stupid really as the i930 only costs £100 and I'll no doubt be taking it down there again very shortly!

By all accounts though they are very good little units. I think this week there was a thread where a chap sorted his problems with codes read by an i930.
That's the thing, if they are good then it only takes a few times where you need codes read and it pays for itself!!
Might have to get mysel one!!

Its odd that there are no laptop based code reading solutions for Freelanders

"very low cost solutions" exist for even the most recent BMW's
Its odd that there are no laptop based code reading solutions for Freelanders

"very low cost solutions" exist for even the most recent BMW's

There are Ukranian tech I use reads my 2003 Freelander,s with his laptop no problem will try to get name of his software.

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