allan downes

Well-Known Member
Hi guys. Gals. What are your thoughts on the budget today announcing tax rises for older diesel vehicles. Bit worried to be honest . Should i start looking for that v8 to put under the bonnet
Hi guys. Gals. What are your thoughts on the budget today announcing tax rises for older diesel vehicles. Bit worried to be honest . Should i start looking for that v8 to put under the bonnet
LOL.... errr no...
With a V8 and the natural petrol rise I think your Diesel increase will be a drop in the ocean.
Got a link? Only one i saw was to new cars for the first year.

I am pretty sure we had the same panic last year , when the tax codes changed ....:p:p..from what I rea dit is only "new" cars that do not meet the stds.

I too would love to see a link where older cars are going to get hit.

just watched bbc and it quotes older diesels but it only apply to cars not white van man so its confusing not clear at all
just watched bbc and it quotes older diesels but it only apply to cars not white van man so its confusing not clear at all
ive just been reading more into it its a bit naughty though i friend of mine with a 2017 motorhome is not happy i think my 200 tdi is ok for a while :))
I may be wrong but from what i've read my tax is going to rise from £515 to £1120. very little clarity in this as is normal for any politiscroat
  • Vehicle excise duty for cars, vans and motorcycles registered before April 2017 to rise by inflation
  • Vehicle excise duty for new diesel cars not meeting latest standards to rise by one band in April 2018
  • Tax hike will not apply to van owners
  • Existing diesel supplement in company car tax to rise by 1%
No it didn't what? That's taken from the BBC website I didn't write it. Personally I don't care

I understood what you quoted...LOL, I think the give away was the word "new" in the sentence. I am guessing @The Mad Hat Man did not read it that carefully.
Seems every Year people have a mad panic about road tax...........and then have to have it explained for the next 6 months, the same thing happened last year when they brought in the "current" system......Here we go again..:eek::eek: Second post about this as well.

I understood what you quoted...LOL, I think the give away was the word "new" in the sentence. I am guessing @The Mad Hat Man did not read it that carefully.
Seems every Year people have a mad panic about road tax...........and then have to have it explained for the next 6 months, the same thing happened last year when they brought in the "current" system......Here we go again..:eek::eek: Second post about this as well.

exactly.... "new" - i said the OPs post

Hi guys. Gals. What are your thoughts on the budget today announcing tax rises for older diesel vehicles. Bit worried to be honest . Should i start looking for that v8 to put under the bonnet

was b0llix, not yours.
ffs - you tagged me and said i hadnt read the post properly.... and the "no it didnt" referred to the OPs post that @Marmaduke quoted.

please keep up

FFS, then why dont you write what you mean clearly...LOL.:p:p After all, both myself and Marmaduke did wonder what you were blithering on about.


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