Get the fook in! part arrived. now to get it fixed before i have to fight my way into london.
Part arrived and won't go on cause the end of the stub axel is bolloxed from where we tried getting the old one off where it had rusted its self to it and i have ran out of time to get it sorted as i have to go to work. So it don't look like i will be able to make it, cock! :doh:
Part arrived and won't go on cause the end of the stub axel is bolloxed from where we tried getting the old one off where it had rusted its self to it and i have ran out of time to get it sorted as i have to go to work. So it don't look like i will be able to make it, cock! :doh:

Don't give up yet, when you get home sort it out and come over, the pub is open all night :D
Guy's, enjoy this one. Sound's like your all going to be driving around with heavy heads on Sunday morning!!!!
Right, I have an idea, As the landy's still not fixed! and i need a new circlip aswell now, dropped the other fecker down the drain :doh: Anyone got a spare seat? and i shall be offical group photographer?
cool - so you are coming down to boogers tonight then, albeit not in the landy?

photographer is a good idea
I shall do, just having some dinner.
Do you have a spare seat for tomorrow?
And where the hell is Boogers gaff? and is there still floor space there?

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