Mr Redhand, I saw on another thread you've got a lot of endfloat on your halfshafts. I can sympathise - one of mine floated all the way out somewhere near Aberystwyth and left me without drive. That's why, as you can see, I've got those drive flanges with screw on end caps, to keep the buggers in!

I saw them and will be getting a set of new ones tomorrow. my problem is bearings were so loose the wheel had 20mm or so of "FLOAT" itself and this has worn a lip inside the drive flange so shafts are moving out to the lip. However at the mo they can't come out any further. But will replace before they pop out :eek:
mmmh so a nail in the end will ensure I get to Bristol where Christians Autos of Kingswood has a noo pair of flanges for £10 ea plus VAT. but no HD ones in at present.

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