I tried a broquet fuel catalyst out of curiosity since during extensive research I found the original DTI test report, I found lots of reports of improvements from users, and lots of anti comments (but none from anyone who had actually tried one)

After my first tank of diesel in my 110 300tdi, driving as I normally would and with no other 'changes', my town MPG has gone from 26.25 mpg to 27.95. (+6.4%). I can also hear a distinct change in the engine sound - it's a much smoother sound at a lower pitch than before (I play in a band and do actually have a keen ear). I have no idea about any emission improvements though!

1.7miles more? This is ridiculous.

First of all, how did you calculate your MPG? You probably brimmed the tank and worked out how many miles you had done for that given quantity of fuel?

Problem here is you cannot be sure that each "full" tank of fuel was the same. Filling in the morning or at night make a difference to fuel density and therefore how much you can get in, each pump will cut off at different levels, it depends how you hold the nozzle, also how fast the fuel flows into the tank and how the diesel actually goes down the filler will affect how much air is in the fuel so a "full tank" may actually after a few minutes easily take about another 10% of diesel on top of it.

For example sake, say your tank is 65 litres/14.2 Gal and you have 8% air bubbles in the fuel, once it settles you could put in another 5.2 litres or 1.14 Gal and say on that 1.14 Gal you achieve 25 mpg avg. across the 14.2Gal tank that gives you 1.7mpg extra just because that tankful was filled differently.

Driving habits, road conditions, temperature, weather etc. ALL make a difference to consumption.

I'd say this is busted. It doesn't work.
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How are you sure nothing has changed? Driving style? Accepted standard would be blind testing, ie the driver does not know whether the device has been fitted!

same routine use of vehicle, same speeds, same roads (i keep to limit - had 2 speed tickets on the usual morning run), no oil changes etc etc - adding a broquet is the only change to the vehicle.

i know there are loads of detractors out there, but not one i can see who has actually tried these things! but i still dont understand why the maker has not invested in a recent test to prove it!
1.7miles more? This is ridiculous.

First of all, how did you calculate your MPG? You probably brimmed the tank and worked out how many miles you had done for that given quantity of fuel?

Problem here is you cannot be sure that each "full" tank of fuel was the same. Filling in the morning or at night make a difference to fuel density and therefore how much you can get in, each pump will cut off at different levels, it depends how you hold the nozzle, also how fast the fuel flows into the tank and how the diesel actually goes down the filler will affect how much air is in the fuel so a "full tank" may actually after a few minutes easily take about another 10% of diesel on top of it.

I did as much as I could to ensure consistency - same time of day, same weather, same pump on the tesco station on the reading/peppard road. i waited till bubbles dispersed and eyeballed the same fill level. I have now had 3 tank fills and the improvement is consistent. scoff if you like, you dont have to buy one of these, but i am happy with it.

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