Well, "playing" in my local quarry was a play day my local club (northeast 4x4) organised, i bought my landy because i wanted one 20 years ago and it didnt happen. I had every intention of making it all nice and shiney, then i went greenlanning, grazed a few panels and spent the day with a stupid grin on my face. I then decided to use it what it was designed for, going off road.If some people want to count rivets and twist about engine swaps, let them get on with it, i,m having fun, its my landy and i dont give a fiddlers pluck what they think !.
looks like i have hurt a bit more on my so irrisponsable(?) FUN day out, looks like i may have pushed the gear box x member up a bit, OOPS, damm me to hell and all that cack, still I WILL fix it and continue having fun, isnt that what life is all about.
verry un pc and so irrisponsable but cant stop laughing
by the way mathew, i forgive your bovine ineptitude, now **** off and get a life you sackless **** :)
kind regards
Dave your:welcome2:
I think you would be better off taking the vehicle to your local landrover dealer, as messing about with things you know nothing about could end in disaster. As for 'playing' in a local quarry i'm struggling to comprehend the stupidity of this. Not only is it dangerous but also highly unnecessary as landrover provide experience days. I think it is time for you to think hard about your actions!

Is this guy FOR REAL ?????
"experience days" christ... do you, by chance...own a freelander ?
I wish i could write a simple XML script to globally ban pillocks from this forum. Your one of those ****ing liberal ****s who scoff posh cheese and make decisions around a dinner table right ? Probably a keen rambler perhaps ? let me guess...you've got an opinion about EVERYTHING ?

I'd rant on, but i can't be arsed. ****ing self-opinionated troll.
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no his mum does,but any body that list theatre and wine tasting isnt going to like getting dirty ,pitting himself against a task ,where only "trained" personnel with a bit of paper after a days course with a know it all by somone elses book unable to drive instructor ,like a retiring coast guard i know who has to ask a **** on the phone before he goes on the beach even though he knows more about it after 40 years than the **** giving him the instructions on how
He seems to have gone quiet, perhaps he doesnt like playing with us rough oiks, mummy told him to stay away from boys like us, c,mon mathew, where,s your balls man ?
kind regards
David :)
Dave, ignorance may be bliss for you but if/when the day comes when your standing over a person fighting for their life the walls of reality will come crashing down and you will then (allbeit too late) realise the selfishness and sheer stupidity of your actions.
James, I'm sure your friend does know his stuff but after so many years on the same job that's when complacency sets in. Things like this are brought in to keep the mind fresh. Education is vital.
Rhino, No I don't own a Freelander I own a Range Rover, I did consider purchasing a Freelander as a runabout but owning two landrovers made no sense. As for experience days I take it you have never been on one with a comment like that, they are very enjoyable and above all safe, I suggest you book one.

no there not it dosent keep mind fresh, its because the people in charge nowadays have no understanding of risk and mamaging risk,because they couldnt cross the road without a set of instructions, hes leaving because its a joke by the time they got down to a rescue it would be too late ,they get stuck more now then they did when there numbers contained mostly very able experinenced men with the unable assigned cant get themselves into trouble roles ,the only difference now is experience men now have to follow rules by the former ,how did this happen as its across society
James, The problem is that most people who are good 'hands on' often aren't very good intellectual wise and so will go crashing in often poorly prepared. Like a coast guard rushing out to person in dire need of medical attention only to realise he has left important equipment back on shore. This puts lives at risk and so requires someone of a higher intellect to help guide the person on the front line so to speak.

Dave, ignorance may be bliss for you but if/when the day comes when your standing over a person fighting for their life the walls of reality will come crashing down and you will then (allbeit too late) realise the selfishness and sheer stupidity of your actions.
James, I'm sure your friend does know his stuff but after so many years on the same job that's when complacency sets in. Things like this are brought in to keep the mind fresh. Education is vital.
Rhino, No I don't own a Freelander I own a Range Rover, I did consider purchasing a Freelander as a runabout but owning two landrovers made no sense. As for experience days I take it you have never been on one with a comment like that, they are very enjoyable and above all safe, I suggest you book one.


I've been on a LR experience day and very enjoyable it was too. But I didn't learn fookall That I didn't already know. Except the price of a new defender :eek:.

Mathew yu are a braindead sack of dog****.. and deffo a middleclass kiddy fiddling Rupert.. [smile]**** off ****er[/smile]
the people that i talk of dont dothat because they are experienced well rounded people and as for not been intellectual your confusing idiots and those presumably like yourself that would have to spend 2 hours thinking about what others would have wieghed up in in 2 seconds,nowadays people without skill pretend is because there interlectural but its mostly very basic ehanced by interests and activities that they believe will make them look more so
Anyway, back to the broken land rover story.Went to do a bit on it tonite, was going to play tomorro, but the gearbox x member is mnore than just crushed, iv,e bent it and the gearbox is now resting on it and verry close to the floor, so ive cut it off and my mate(the great fixer of all things land rover) jeff is going to make me a nice new uprated one. So sunday will be spent grinding, cutting and getting burned. I have a vidio of the moment i bent it so if i can i,ll try and put it on this web site or u tube .
I,ll let you no how i get on
i was told by a friend of mine that there was no such thing ,(hes changed since working for large company )no wonder everthings going to pot

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