
Active Member
In a mental snow storm this morning I had the wipers going flat out and all of a sudden they went all the way to the right further than normal and got stuck. I turned the wipers off immediately, then got out and had to move them back. Now the wipers will only move to the right and won't return to the parked position. I don't have the option of taking the dash apart at the minute so could someone give me an idea of what's probably broken?? It's an 1989 if that makes any difference.
Cheers folks
How did you move them back?
Were they looking good (wipe, action & sweep) before this happened?
Can you easily check your park switch on the wiper motor (does not need a dash strip out).
If the wipers were heavily loaded with snow then it is possible that the wire 'rack' has jumped a few teeth on the wheel box so the sweep is in the wrong part of the windscreen. Have you tried removing the wiper arms and refitting them back onto the spindles in the proper park position? That may work as a temp fix but would indicate you have worn parts that may fail again.
The wipers went back easily. The were wiping just fine before this. It's wasn't so much that the wipers were loaded with snow it seemed that it rotated too far to the right (when sitting inside) and got stuck. Will try removing the wipers then refitting in the park position.
Given the age of your landy their is going to be a fair bit of wear and tear, was there a klonk as the worked? If they move only in one direction cable outer may have come free of motor.
I've had this on my drivers side wiper and it was caused by the cable breaking....well not completely breaking, I'll try and explain.

The cable that runs from the wiper motor to the 2 wheel boxes is made of 2 bits, there is a inner cable (multiple core cable) which has a solid wire wrapped around it very tightly but spaced out to make what is effectively a very long flexible screw. (Think of it like a flexible rubber brake pipe with the black plastic spring like thing wrapped around it).

Anyway, what happened to mine was the outer cable snapped and would move back and forth on the inner cable, so you could push it back and it would work fine for a while but it would slowly creep further and further over until it got stuck over the side of the windscreen.

I had to replace the whole lot...I did have major issues because britpart sell a replacement cable (fairly cheap) but the pitch didn't match the wheel boxes so it was a waste of money, I had to replace the wheel boxes also. Did have another issue because I bought a secondhand TD5 assembly off ebay but didn't realise that they are shorter on the later models as the motor is mounted in a higher position!!
Problem found. The rack you mentioned iforland had actually snapped inside the motor so have a new one ordered. Cheers folks

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