
New Member
hi all im new n my series 3 has a serious problem. hoping its not to much the problem is i cant select hi or low in 2wd or 4wd it just grides then sometimes goes in the grides n when moving it makes really loud knocks .whats wrong please any help would be excellent . the series 3 is a 2.25 petrol n its a 1983

thanks steve
Your description of the symptom could be clearer, perhaps you could try again and it could help people diagnose it.
What do you mean by "grides"
When you say you can't select hi or low in 2wd or 4wd, do you mean that whatever you do it "grides" or will it drive in some settings, or not go at all in some settings?
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grides in most settings when get into low it starts grinding then drives n makes loud bangs when put into hi in 2wd the lever goes up then slides back on it self then move back again then grinds like no 2moro
Try removing each prop shaft in turn and seeing what happens. You could even try removing both at once and "driving" it. Obviously it wont move but see if it still grides.
Make sure yu chock the wheels before removing the rear shaft, as you will have no handbrake.
Try putting the transfer into neutral, red leaver half way back, this may help tell if it is a transfer of gear box problem.
Has it done this since you got it, or was it driving OK and this has developed with use?
when i brought it it was stuck in hi in 2wd drive so i pulled it back n freed it off then never went back in hi till i held it in hi but k in lo then drove yesterday n it started making loud bangsnw complety broke n tryed 4wd n same noises
Now don't take this the wrong way, but it seems to me that if you could spell and punctuate and describe your problem in plain English, then people would have a better chance of helping.
k looked at it today dont no if clutch is gone as when i put in hi n let the clutch out it pops out of hi then push in it grinds

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