
New Member
:( Hi. I'm on my 3rd Disco. For 5 Years i,ve saved up patiently for enough cash (that i can afford from my pension) for my Dream Disco..an 04 Disco 2 Premium v8 with state of the Art L.P.G., Rangey wheels, the job lot that i expected to last me for life.
After a few weeks it acquired a clicking sound, a bit like a lolly pop stick in a pushbike wheel spokes but it came occasionally and then would go for a while. It,s now all of the time after several hundred yards, and now it,s as tough there are 2 lollypop sticks in, but one comes and goes?..
I had the tappets and push rods + Oil pump replaced, cost £1150, but it came back the same. Apparently the top of the engine was full of "Dry" Oil", the guy cleaned it all out but when put back together and it sounded the same he checked the sump and although the Oil was clean the sump pump was full of crap so maybe it collected more. I,m told he should have changed the Cam Shaft as well.
Its only done 40000 but the push rods showed slight wear..or have i been ripped off. I,m told i need a new engine as its the "Sleeves" that have gone but the noise seems to come from the top of the engine, when the 2nd tapping comes i can hear it above the radio.
Anyway my Question...might a new cam solve the problem?..if not, when i have it stripped can you visually see if it is the sleeves, and if it is, can i buy a new engine?.
Hope someone can advise, my Dream is on the Drive, i just can't bear to drive her...thanks for reading..Brian.
Hi Brian,
Drop the sump off and check the oil pick sieve is not clogged up, also had oil pick up pipes come loose on these, they will then pick up enough oil to put light out but not enough pressure to keep hydraulic tapppets jacked out.

I,m getting the pick up pipes checked Mate thanks. Re- Sleeves gone, would this sound the same as the tappets? The Tapping, which after a while sounds like like another starts clicking almost simultaniously, once or twice at first and then stays on with the first, ( i can cope with one clicking but when the other kicks in it attracts attention at traffic lights etc) seems to come from straight along the top of the engine from front to back, opposed to one side as i would expect it to do if it was a sleeve from the left or right bank....Thanks for your advice..Brian
Does this happen when runnin on petrol also, try going for a run on petrol and if it doesnt happen switch to gas, if happens on gas then it's the lpg injector rails, a good sign they are shot, happened to mine, they should click/tick to a certain extent but loudly is a good indication they are gone
Hi Mate. It Does it on petrol also, but could it still be something with the Gas system as it seems to come from the top of the engine, it could be a step in the right direction. A Landy Lover listened to it last night and said it sounds like the Cam as it seems to come from the top centre of the engine from front to back. My mechanic is stuck in Egypt on an XL Holiday...mmmm 105f..poor lad...much appreciated Mate...dig the picture, bet your often mistaken for the real thing!!!!
Ahhhh, next bet could be the cam them :( they do wear out unfortunately the sooner you replace it the better, I let mine go on too long and by the time we got round to changing it (dads old RRC) the bore the worn lobe was "connected" too had virtually no compression :(

if it was the cam when driving along it would feel like you had a misfire, does it do this?

Egypt no so bad at this time of year tell him to enjoy his extended stay..... I've been 5 times and love Egypt :)

Nah am nothing like me pic :)
I think when the guy stripped it the second time after replacing the Oil Pump he said the pressure was OK and Oil was now getting to the top of the engine. One thing though ,he replaced the Tappets with cheap ones and was later told that these are often faulty, and also told he should have replaced the Cam at the same time.thanks for all your advice. Thats why i love Land Rovers and Land Rover Owners..
Sorry, thought the pic was of you..ah well.....Apart from the Clicking She runs like a Dream, im picking the wife up from Doncaster Station today and i know the first thing she will mention is the noise and not how Beautifull my Landy is....thats the sad thing......thanks again for your advice..Brian

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