
New Member
:doh::doh::doh: Here we are again, more disaster in the saga of my 1988 90 after removing the rear tub, roof front doors etc the chassis is knackered as confirmed by all of you out there in a previous thread.
So i decided that I had better strip the front wings etc as one day i will buy a new chassis and a phoenix will rise from the ashes.To do this i needed to turn the 90 around in the garage so re-connected battery put milk crate for drivers seat and away we go, sadly no It drove the first couple of feet but then nothing i only have the front prop left on the old girl but she wont drive. i put the diff lock in and away she went.

Does this sound as though the front half shaft is broken or am I missing some landy witchcraft?
no drive was going thru center diff and out the back as least line of resistance,difflock meant both output flanges had to be driven ,the couple of feet was probably last vestige of hand brake holding
As James says - if you only had the front prop connected, you'd need difflock engaged to get any drive.

No witchcraft - just the way it works:D

Sounds like you have a huge job on your hands - piccys?
Many thanks for the replies. I had not thought about that so thanfully good news. Yes the job is growing day by day I have gone from a tarting up job to a complete rebuild.

I do not run the landy day to day so time is not a problem but I am attemting to tackle jobs with instructions by word of mouth and the internet so hope all goes well. Watch out for further [posts as I will be begging for help as I go along, Will post some pictures at a later date as i am taking plenty just so I can remember what goes where.

Thanks again

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