
we like piccies, but that dont help us see if her alt is connected propper like
If we say please will she go and take a photo so we can have a better guess ?
I think I'd better leave this. Thank you to the people who tried to help. Thanks also to the aggressive female old member - thought this would be a pretty decent forum but didn't realise it was so nasty.
'She' can't go and take a photo at the moment because it's DARK
I think I'd better leave this. Thank you to the people who tried to help. Thanks also to the aggressive female old member - thought this would be a pretty decent forum but didn't realise it was so nasty.
'She' can't go and take a photo at the moment because it's DARK
i dont think this is the forum for you, as you seem to get upset when peeps want to help - try Facebook.
I think I'd better leave this. Thank you to the people who tried to help. Thanks also to the aggressive female old member - thought this would be a pretty decent forum but didn't realise it was so nasty.
'She' can't go and take a photo at the moment because it's DARK

Got a flash on yer phone ?

I'm in London and it's dusk, but it aint dark ... not even in UPPER CASE ...
We are asking if it is wired wrongly, but as we can't see it we need a piccy of the rear of the alternator to see the wiring !
it would appear she doesnt know how to use flash or a torch. ...... mind you, it might be covered and need a small spanner!
She was a tad sensitive!!

Can you get a bigger signature pic...…….?
Its reducing the readable posts down to a few lines...….. I am sure if you can make it a little bigger it will consume 99 percent..

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