VOR is standard dealer speak:)

Has been for over 30 years now.....used to be a type of order reserved for emergency service vehicles only, as the dealer would have to pay a higher price for the part and/or a carriage charge to get it next day.
We normally get 10% trade discount on parts called a stock order which can be 2 or 3 days but if you order it VOR it's next or same day but 5% or sometimes retail price!
Has been for over 30 years now.....used to be a type of order reserved for emergency service vehicles only, as the dealer would have to pay a higher price for the part and/or a carriage charge to get it next day.
Yep, at the Honda Garage where I installed software, normal parts delivery was 3 or more days, VOR was next day but at a price I seem to remember:)
It's always been FIP as far as I'm concerned, it is a Fuel Injection Pump after all.

In all the technical workshop manuals I have read - usually relating to fuelling systems, dating back to 40's Petter and Lister engines, LR service manuals from Series through to TD5's and German marques I never seen it abbreviated to FIP, it is a FUEL IP indeed but realistically what the hell else is going to be injected?
Looking at the chap's post history, he does seem to appear when he wants a tow/recovery service. I guess it's cheaper than joining the AA! ;)
VOR Ex Military Vehicle Off Rosta or Road. Meaning urgent spares request 24hrs normally.
Used it with the REME in the 1970's adopted by all later on.

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