
Active Member
I was out with the old man today in his 90 when he hit his front diff on a hidden rock. Haven't had a proper look at it yet but it's leaking oil and there's also oil above it on the chassis and bump stop. Any ideas on what's needed to repair?
if it drives ok, prolly just the diff pan, replacements are avaliable, gwyn lewius does some upgraded ones for not much more, or get a diff guard next time
I've got the Gwyn Lewis diff pans on mine. Definitely worth considering as they're basically a welded on diff pan/guard. Fit and forget. :)
Thanks both. Hopefully it's just the pan though which I'd imagine it is. I can't see them on gwyn Lewis site though?! Also I take it the diff will need removing first?
No, don't get one off ebay, they go for silly money (usually the postage that really kills it), go to paddocks, 12.50 or 15.95 for galv (+VAT but still cheaper than fleabay) spend £50 free deliver, or £5 otherwise
I had chance to have a proper look today and it turns out the diff is fine! It's one of the two metal pipes that carry oil which looks like to by the radiator!


It's the one running diagonally across the pic


Hopefully an easier fix, but I guess it involves draining the oil first?
Thanks mate. Excuse my ignorance here.......so it's just a little circuit to cool the oil in the engine? So to replace it I should first drain the engine oil then replace it?

If it is oil cooler lines , just replace them and just top up the oil. Your oil could be low . Do not drive until repaired

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