Got another pinion crush sleeve and installed it using inch pounds this time. All good! Took it for a short drive today for about a hour doing average 40kph. The hottest part of the diff was 150f and that was right where the pinion front bearing would be. I read somewhere you don't want to go 250f or higher with 300f redline. So I'm going to monitor it and hope the temp goes down as the bearings wear in. Thanks for everyone's help.
I searched for a new plug to buy, and wow, so many reports of this happening to other owners on google search. Must have been 8 or so topics on other land rover forums. What a design flaw. I ordered parts for just about everything except the shims and the internal gears RTC4488. I think those are fine, so after I cleaned out the diff with petrol and let it dry, when I spin the pinion by hand it makes a grinding noise. My son thinks it becuase there is no oil in it. Im going to say the oppisite and they got wrecked (the inner and outer pinion bearings.

I don't have a spreader, thats a bit out of my budget for one job. So if I understand I can take 2 spanners/wrenches, put the closed end of the spanner on one of the studs, so it would be one spanner on each side, and the open end of the spanners I can put together at top and put a bar into the open ends and use the casing for leverage to spread it? Im on the fence if I want to shim it and do the load preload stuff. I have a lot my plate right now.
If you google "salisbury diff casing spreader" and look at the pictures in the results, there are several home made spreaders you could copy if you are practical minded.

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