Hi yes i undone that big nut and the innards sprung out :eek: and it reveals a bigger hole that the union just falls in to, so I put it back again.
I phoned "Island 4X4" who i bought the pump from and they have never had this problem to their knowledge, as they are only a 40 min drive away I am nipping the old pump over to them to have a look at along with the Britpart one they supplied me with.
have you tried taking the adapter thingy off the end of the pipe?, looks like the adapter came out of the old pump on the pipe?.
D1SCO my friend I owe you a pint buddy, you were spot on!!! the fecking adaptor was on the end of my pipe, but because the thread fitted the hole I failed to notice, and you stopped me from wasting 50 miles and looking a right pillock :rolleyes:

Well done mate thanks a lot :D

I believe you Danny ;)

One lesson I learned the hard way this morning is when bleeding the PAS system dont keep undoing the bleed nipple if nothing comes out, give it time for the air to shift out of the system.

I ended up with the nipple flying out and a jet of fluid hitting the bonnet :eek:

Talk about mess!!!!


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