Absolutely agree Shifty - that's why I ordered the part and found a local windscreen place (not a National) to swap it over as a cash job.

To be honest, I'd rather do that, than have to clear up the broken glass! When I've had side windows smashed in the past, I've found bits of glass for months afterwards!
Was not aiming my comments at you matey - just griping in general.

We all know these things go on but there's no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody has to pay and it sure aint the insurance companies so it must be the punters. I'll burn me soap box now. Glad you got it sorted. Think I'll burn my motor and claim on the insurance as it needs a new paint job :D
Know that Shifty - was kinda agreeing with you

Burning the motor - too extreme fella - now a brake fluid accident.......:D:D
"I think its classed as a claim? So if you change insurance next time you may have to mention it..."

They aren't classed as a claim and don't have to be delcared. The windscreen excess is completely different to the accident, fire & theft excess and it makes no difference to your NCB.
You can check with your own insurance company but it's written into the doccuments on mine.
If I can get it done without using insurance I think I will. I'd rather let my money go to a person rather than a company!

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