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I do have a feeling I'm gonna have to source a 101 pic from the net but I'd like to tag each pic with a forum member make it as personal as the web site.

you could leave the 101 pic out. maybe replace it with a disco 2,3 or 4 instead.
I can bring spot lights as in the type for around the stand but I could do with a lift down, anyone passing or I could get the train to somewhere? Anyone?
The only one I have of my D3 off road (not a great pic...)


All high quality images you can copy of let me know if you want better ones emailing
she might fix it for you before she lends it to ya.;):D

Noooo its his 110 at the moment :D

Seein as tho its not well :eek:

ETA... tis ok, been fixed :D soooooooooo have you used the pic of MY 110? :bolt: ;)
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Oi BB you got any good uns of yours lanin or are you gonna use the one where u cleaned it :D ;)
Series used D3 maybe but would like an action shot,

That's fine - i didn't really expect you to use the D3 one... its not a very good photo... but least i've laned a D3 :D Next year I'll have some action shots of the LZ trip to Morocco for the photo boards
as he has a 90 and a 110 then maybe a 88 and 109 would be a good idea;)

Couldn't agree more... feel a bit guilty i've stolen B/B's moment of glory on a flyer when he's so involved in the organisation of the show for LZ... :eek:
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